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A La Carte (September 19)


Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of minor deals.

You may be interested in gaining access to a free teaching series by Ligonier Ministries.

(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for September)

Grace Means Christians Should and Can Live Differently

“Sickly saints that are on the mend give glory to the Doctor and instruct others to go to him. To profess to have found him, and bear no change, is to cast a shadow on the name of Christ and the power of his Spirit.”

Instagram is Supposed to be Friendly

This is a helpful look at some of the problems embedded in Instagram. With our kids (especially daughters) spending so much time with the app, it’s important parents pay attention. Do note there are a couple of swear words in the article, quoted from Instagram messages.

A Sex Offender in the Neighborhood: Some Reminders About Child Safety

“We learned last week that a registered sex offender has moved onto our block. Because of our roles in ministry overseas, my husband and I have been trained in Child Safety multiple times. I was grateful for that background during our discussion. Below are some highlights from our conversation that I hope will serve you well—either by way of reminder or perhaps to help you think through these issues for the first time.”

What Would Happen if Every Human Suddenly Disappeared? (Video)

“Human beings are everywhere. With settlements on every continent, we can be found in the most isolated corners of Earth’s jungles, oceans and tundras. Our impact is so profound, most scientists believe humanity has left a permanent mark on Earth’s geological record. So what would happen if suddenly, every human on Earth disappeared?” It’s an interesting little video.

Truth and Love

Truth + love is a crucial formula. “Those who are God’s children cannot be satisfied to be merely loving or truthful. We must seek to grow more and more like Him so that we come to be both loving and truthful.”

Gen Z and Religion: “It’s All Good”

Maybe things with Gen Z aren’t quite as bad as we have been told. “According to a report in The Conversation online news journal, Gen Z – today’s teen – has a less hostile, more ambivalent approach to religion than perhaps the Dawkins apostles would have wished and predicted by now, after all that money, effort, and nostril-flaring. Turns out Gen Z is not wary of religion at all. Today’s teens are wary of those who are too forceful in their opinions. Don’t go shoving religion down our throats, but don’t lambast it either, it’s all good.”

The Battle Cry of the Reformation and the Surrender of Greek and Hebrew

“Half a millennium after Luther nailed his theses to the door of the great Schlosskirche in Wittenberg, theological seminaries are on a rapid decline. Greek and Hebrew continue to be casualties. Genuine study of the biblical languages is being replaced by ‘Greek/Hebrew appreciation’ courses—a euphemism for anything but deep appreciation, or nothing at all.”

Flashback: Sex Under Law, Sex Under Grace

Any sex outside of God’s good stipulations is sex under the terrible burden of law. But marriage is sex under grace, sex with nothing to prove, sex that is free to flourish without fear of failure.

Even our tears of repentance need to be washed in the blood of the Lamb.

—Jerry Bridges

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