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A La Carte (September 6)


As usual, there are some pretty good Kindle deals for those who collect them.

And remember that Westminster Books is having a sale this week on books for kids.


Scott Watkins: “Johanna lives on the main level, and I live in the upstairs. We have completely separate living spaces by necessity. The majority of my time is spent in the upstairs or kitchen of our house, outside Johanna’s space, where I am alone. The walls around me, floor beneath me, and ceiling above me are all amazing, but they feel like more of a waiting room than a home. If Johanna weren’t here, I would feel entirely out of place.”

Common Does Not Mean OK!

Sharon Sampson writes for men and women alike. “In this sinful, fallen world, porn is common. It is common outside the church; it is common inside the church. It is common among men; it is common among women. But it is never ok. Let’s talk in a way that’s truly biblical and calls sin what it is. Then, let’s help both men and women and point them to the gospel hope which is theirs if they are in Christ.”

‘The Gospel Is Not for Sale’: Is Benny Hinn Abandoning the Prosperity Gospel?

This would be incredible if it proves true—that Benny Hinn might (might!) be turning away from the prosperity gospel. (I expect true repentance would look something like the example of Zacchaeus in Luke 19.)


I hope you enjoy this poem as much as I did.

The Heartbreaking Story of the Greatest Walk-on Ever (Video)

“College GameDay details the amazing and heartbreaking story of Arkansas Razorbacks offensive lineman and Indianapolis Colts draft pick Brandon Burlsworth, the greatest walk-on to ever play college football.”

Why the Day to Day of Marriage is Radical Service to God

Here’s a good one about marriage. “When the honeymoon feelings wear off and there are socks on the ground, a messy toothpaste tube on the counter, and sharp words spoken out of frustration, we tend to want to stand for our rights, for our way of life. But the radical focus of the Christian spouse is the day in, day out faithfulness to serve the other with the humility that Christ had when he lowered himself to wash even Judas’s feet.”

The World’s Favorite TV Shows (According to IMDb)

This graphic of the favorite TV shows from around the world is rather interesting (and perhaps a bit discouraging at times).

Flashback: The Duty of Introspection

God both demands and describes diligent self-examination, and he does so for our good. It is through such introspection that we gain the true measure of our conformity to Jesus Christ.

There is an immediateness about the calls of Christ. Whatever he bids us to do, we must not delay to do. Duties that are put off tend to harden the heart.

—Charles Spurgeon

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