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Weekend A La Carte (12/22)

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Does God Hate Westboro Baptist? – Josh Buice makes the case that God hates Westboro Baptist Church, the group that pickets funerals and other events with signs saying “God Hates Fags” and so on.

A Veteran at 13 – Smithsonian has the fascinating tale of Calvin Graham who enlisted during World War 2 at the age of 12.

Facebook’s New Privacy Settings – Gizmodo tells you what you need to know about Facebook’s new privacy settings. “There are two big changes you should care about right now: shortcuts and a beefed up activity feed that’ll let you scrub your past free of embarrassment. Online, at least.”

Romans with Moo – is offering you a free course. You can watch more than 40 lectures on Romans by Douglas Moo. (HT:JT)

American Christian Imprisoned in Iran – “Rev. Saeed Abedini, a 32-year-old U.S. citizen and a Christian convert of Iranian origin has been imprisoned without charges in one of Iran’s notorious prisons due to his work in Iran’s underground Christian community.”

(Another link related to gun violence was removed when it stopped working)

Most assuredly God will require an account of the children from the parents’ hands, for they are His, and only lent to their care and keeping.

—A.W. Pink

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