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Weekend A La Carte (4/6)

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4 Truths About Hell – Tom Ascol: “So, what should we think of hell? Is the idea of it really responsible for all the cruelty and torture in the world? Is the doctrine of hell incompatible with the way of Jesus Christ? Hardly. In fact, the most prolific teacher of hell in the Bible is Jesus, and He spoke more about it than He did about heaven.”

Rick Phillips Follows-Up – Yesterday I linked to an article by Rick Phillips. Today he follows up on some objections. “One of his commenters brought up an objection that I thought I might respond to here. I had written that without the Bible, the only moral consensus open to man is a wicked pagan idolatry. The objection offered was that many people who do not accept the Bible nonetheless lead loving and moral lives. We therefore can have morality without the Bible.”

7 Deadly Myths About Editing – “There’s a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about editors and what they do. Here are seven of those myths that I’d like to clean up…”

7 Directives for Meditating on Scripture – Paul Tautges looks to the Puritans to find 7 directives for meditating on Scripture.

The Darkness Shall Not Overcome It – John Knight looks to current news stories and says that at times the darkness can seem overwhelming. And in the middle of all that darkness, he offers hope.

The Highlights Are Not Enough – “I have become very thankful for sports highlights shows. In just a few minutes, I can watch all the best parts of the game and see who or which team has won in the end. A three hour baseball game can be consumed in just two minutes.” But what happens when we use this “highlights” approach for teaching our children?

It is only our bad temper that we put down to being tired or worried or hungry; we put our good temper down to ourselves.

—C.S. Lewis

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