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Weekend A La Carte (August 18)


As you know, I am on vacation this week and am posting only A La Carte articles. Regular articles and videos will resume on Monday.

Doctrine Is Inevitable

“Many of the writers and spokespeople who talked about prioritizing relationships over doctrine have actually become quite adamant about their own theology. It just so happens that the doctrine that is worth making standards around is just a different kind.”

The Music and the Meaning of Male & Female

In this long but excellent article (which you can download and print for easier reading, Alastair Roberts helps us to tune in to the theology of gender in Genesis 1 & 2.

3 Bible Passages to Study with Unbelievers

Don’t ever doubt the power of the Bible as the primary evangelistic tool. “I love walking through Scripture with people whenever they permit me the time. And there are three passages in particular that I am usually drawn to, depending on the type of questions I receive throughout the conversation. So, here are my top three passages to study with unbelievers.”

There’s a Surprisingly Rich Debate About How to Define Death

How do you know that someone has died? There is a lot of debate about it and this article lays out some of the approaches.

Two Reasons the Trinity Matters

“Most of us have retained a formal belief in the Trinity. What we need to recover is an understanding and a felt sense of why it matters so much. To help us do that, here are two reasons why the Trinity matters.”

God Never Forgets His Promises

“As the puritan John Flavel has been so frequently cited as saying, providence is best read like Hebrew, backwards! Only then is it possible to trace the divine hand on the tiller guiding the gospel ship into a safe harbor. No matter how dark things get, His hand is always in control.”

Poor Interpretation Lets Us “Believe” the Bible While Denying What It Actually Says

“Historically, theological liberals denied Scripture, and everyone knew where they stood. But today many so-called evangelicals affirm their belief in Scripture, while attributing meanings to biblical texts that in fact deny what Scripture really says. Hence they “believe every word of the Bible” while actually embracing (and teaching) beliefs that utterly contradict it.”

Flashback: There Is No Better Life

How do we glorify God? I want to list 4 simple ways that you can glorify God today and every day.

Wondering if there’s enough forgiveness for your sin is like a child wondering if there’s enough water in the ocean to fill his sippy cup.

—Eric Geiger

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