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Weekend A La Carte (January 14)

Those who pay attention to the Kindle deals won’t find anything new today. Stay tuned on Monday as there are some price drops scheduled for then. In the meantime, here are some articles to read and videos to watch:

How Black and White Christians Do Discipleship Differently

This is very, very interesting. “When it comes to spiritual formation and discipleship, African American Christians are in it together. Black believers are more likely to position their growth in Christ in the context of community and fellowship, while white Christians take a more individualized approach, according to a study released this week from Barna Research.”

The Hot ‘New’ Church Growth Method

“A new study just unearthed a remarkable finding: conservative doctrine grows churches.” Owen Strachan explains why this matters.

No More Channel-Flipping Sermons

I mostly agree with this. “Sermons should not feel like channel flipping. One text here, one text there, one text over there. Citing 20 verses in a sermon does not an expositional sermon make. Just the opposite.”

Why Congregational Singing Matters Today More than Ever

Keith Getty explains why we, as Christians, need to keep singing. “I love Yo-Yo Ma. But singing with God’s people? Joining the eternal chorus? Embracing our blood-bought destiny? Standing with those who have tears in their eyes? Remembering when those same people stood next to me when I had tears in mine? Singing before this world of the only hope we have in the world? This is the eternal concerto of the soul—the ultimate masterpiece.”

The Evolution of Recorded Music (Video)

This brief three-part series of videos (2 minutes each) explores the evolution of recorded music. Things have changed a lot!

This Day in 1929. 87 years ago today Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia. He was America’s most visible civil rights leader until his assassination in 1968. *

62, Broke, and Living In His Car (Video)

You might enjoy learning about Colonel Sanders and the unlikely start to his business.

Compassion India

Compassion provides an important update on their work in India and why it may come to an end. Please pray! I’ve seen that work in action and seen how it blesses children there.

Flashback: Your Deepest Identity

On February 6, 2006, Stephen Harper stood before the Governor General of Canada and recited the oath of office: “I, Stephen Harper, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will truly and faithfully, and to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute the powers and trust reposed in me as Prime Minister, so help me God.”

Thanks to This Week’s Sponsor

I’m thankful to Zondervan for sponsoring the blog this week. Sponsors play a key role in keeping the site going!

God’s love in John 3:16 is not amazing because the world is so big, but because the world is so bad.

—D.A. Carson

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