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Weekend A La Carte (January 18)

A La Carte Collection cover image

What Makes a Joyful Home? – Read this one! “A joy filled-heart makes a joy-filled home, because joy flows from the inside out, not the outside in. Joy is a choice, and it is such an easy thing to choose. Why, then, is it also such a hard thing to choose?”

What It’s Like – This ad for Coca Cola is just too good.

Extinguish This Bloody Traffic – “The constitutionally protected right to murder one’s own unborn child is the preeminent social injustice of our day. Should the Lord Jesus choose to patiently prolong His coming, the history books will surely regard such a moral atrocity with the same shame and outrage that we experience as we read about the African slave trade or Hitler’s Holocaust, bewildered that such miscarriages of justice could have been allowed to persist in a civilized and educated society for so long.”

The Ability to Draw – This one has perlexed me. Why can some people draw, and some people (like me) just can’t? Science has been looking for the answer.

Great Idea – This is about as thought-provoking as a comic can get.

Those Who Never Heard – “How can God hold accountable for believing the gospel those who have never heard the gospel? Certainly God cannot send a man to Hell for not believing when he never even had the opportunity to reject the gospel in the first place. The very notion flies in the face of all our notions of justice. But the question itself is fatally flawed.”


We must love God more for what he is than for what he bestows. True love is not mercenary.

—Thomas Watson

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