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Weekend A La Carte (January 30)

My gratitude goes to Baker Books for sponsoring the blog this week with news of the new book Overcoming Bitterness: Moving from Life’s Greatest Hurts to a Life Filled with Joy.

Today’s Kindle deals include some classics along with a couple of newer works.

(Yesterday on the blog: Why the West Is Antihistorical)

Five Truths About the Holy Spirit

Here are five truths about the Holy Spirit courtesy of Alistair Begg.

Before You Tweet Criticism: Six Considerations

John Piper offers some thoughts on social media and criticism.

These Are the Highest Resolution Photos Ever Taken of Snowflakes

“Once safely on the slide, he focuses his microscope to take the photograph, changing the exposure one micron at a time. (For reference, the width of a human hair measures approximately 70 microns.) On average, Myhrvold photographs each snowflake more than 100 times, or as many times as he can before the snowflake starts to melt.Using specialized computer software, Myhrvold combines multiple photographs of a single specimen to create the final photograph.”

An Executive Order Marginalizing Women And Girls

Here is WORLD’s take on the President’s new executive order related to transgenderism. “On Inauguration Day, hours after President Joe Biden’s calls for unity and promise to represent all Americans, platitudes gave way to policies. In 880 words, Biden mandated a government definition of gender discrimination and equality that guaranteed biological men access to women’s social spaces.”

Strange Authority Speakers: 12 Concerns

There are some interesting thoughts here.

Window Views

This is a great bit of writing from Heidi Tai.

A Conversation With Dr. Carl Trueman On The Modern Self And The Sexual Revolution

If you don’t plan to read Carl Trueman’s new book, perhaps you’ll enjoy this interview which covers some of its major points.

Flashback: When Freedom Is Captivity

Sin enslaves, but God delivers. We find our freedom not apart from him and the boundaries he gives us, but with him and within those boundaries he has graciously given to us. Here is true fulfillment and true freedom.

If anyone has used you badly today, he is the very person you are to pray for tonight when you bow before God.

—J.R. Miller

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