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Weekend A La Carte (July 8)

I’m very grateful to Reformation Heritage Books for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about some of their great new products. We are so blessed to have publishers like RHB who are committed to bringing us books that serve us so well.

At Westminster Books this week, you’ll find a deal on an excellent new series of books. They also have these volumes by Van Mastricht on sale.

In Your Race of Faith, Run Together

Lindsey Carlson: “As a follower of Jesus, you are a member of the body of Christ; every other Christian in the body is a fellow team member whose name is recorded on the roster and who runs alongside you in the same race of faith. You have pledged to run together with the people of God under the headship of Christ.”

The 2023 Audubon Photography Awards

I love the way these photography awards display the power and creativity of God.

He Gives To His Beloved Sleep

“Most of the time, a newborn sleeping is cause for celebration and slumber but on this particular night, fears about my son’s life plagued my mind.” This one will be a blessing to moms, and maybe some dads as well.

4 Questions to Answer Before Giving Your Child a Phone

“What’s the right age? This is a tricky question for parents. Once you hand a child a phone, chances are you’re not taking it back. So before you take the plunge, here are four questions to consider.”

Humble Words

Brianna recounts a time when humble words made all the difference in her life.

Christians Who Feel They Don’t Need Church Anymore

Forrest McPhail offers a series of truths that are meant to keep us engaged in the life of a local church despite the inevitable challenges.

Flashback: Envy Always Wins

Envy always competes. Envy demands that there is always a winner and a loser. And envy almost always suggests that I, the envious person, am the loser.

The stronger the foundation of a house, the bigger and stronger the building itself can be. And the richer and fuller the exposition of God’s grace, the more consuming the exhortations can be.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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