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Weekend A La Carte (March 1)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Care For Your Family Into Eternity – Ray Ortlund: “After my dad’s death in 2007, I found in his desk a letter he had written to the family several years before. Here is one way a saintly man can care for his family so that it lasts forever…”

Moving Huge Blocks – This man has figured out how to move huge blocks using only the most rudimentary of tools. It’s impressive even in really low definition video.

How to Speak Postmodern – This is an oldie but a goodie. “First, you need to remember that plainly expressed language is out of the question. It is too realist, modernist and obvious. Postmodern language requires that one uses play, parody and indeterminacy as critical techniques to point this out.”

Red Letter Nonsense – Kevin DeYoung uncorks on the red letter nonsense.

OOOOOPSI – Justin Taylor highlights the OOOOOPSI model of American media outrage coverage.


There is no pride so dangerous, none so subtle and insidious, as the pride of holiness.

—Andrew Murray

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