Today’s Kindle deals include just Tolkien’s Roverandom which will likely appeal mostly to hard-core fans.
Logos users will want to cast one final vote in March Madness and perhaps browse through the long, long list of deals.
Churches, Get a Calvinist Pastor!
Tom Nettles makes a pretty good case for it.
Don’t Mess with Mary Edwards Walker
What a great account of the only woman to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. “This morning,” wrote one Captain Benedict J. Semmes, “we were all amused and disgusted too at the sight of a thing that nothing but the debased and depraved Yankee nation could produce, a female doctor.”
How To Shoot Awesome Portrait Photography (Video)
Here are some excellent pointers on shooting portraits.
Drowning in a Drop of Water
“1.67 sextillion molecules in one drop of water. Do you have any way of getting your mind around that number? Here are a few ways not to comprehend it. If you could count ten molecules a second (that’s really fast), it would take you over four trillion years to count the molecules in that drop. There are more molecules in a tablespoon of water than there are stars in the universe, at least according to some estimates.”
Learning Styles Don’t Exist
I share this one because I find it fascinating how often and how quickly settled science becomes completely debunked.
Canada is Harvesting the Organs of Euthanasia Patients
“A recent push in Canada to encourage euthanasia patients to donate their organs is working. Opponents argue the practice pressures patients to be euthanized, and makes it harder for them to change their mind.”
Flashback: How to Pray All Day
Pray without ceasing,” Paul says. Simple words, but a seemingly impossible challenge. How can you be expected to pray all the time?
Why An 81-Hour MDiv?
I’m grateful to Midwestern Seminary for sponsoring the blog this week. I depend upon sponsors to help keep the site going, so am grateful to each one.