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Weekend A La Carte (May 21)

Westminster Books has a great deal on various works by John Frame. You can’t go wrong with any of his books.

Public Discourse in the Age of Social Media

“Christians must understand that the medium of social media has a tendency to cheapen that which is rich and to deprecate that which is holy. But, ahead we charge. Because, even on social media, the eternal import of the gospel bursts like a light in the darkness of an endless stream of temporary, unimportant information.”

The Dangers of Reading in Bed

It used to be considered quite scandalous to read in bed. Who knew?

You Can’t Anxiety Attack Your Way Out of God’s Love

“It would be easy for me to let you get cozy with our anxiety, so let’s make a deal. I’m going to aim for the jugular, and then I’m gonna bandage it up all nice and good. Ready? Here it goes.”

Which Bible Translation Is Most Accurate? (Video)

Todd Friel asks James White the question.

U Can’t Talk to Ur Professor Like This

“At the start of my teaching career, when I was fresh out of graduate school, I briefly considered trying to pass myself off as a cool professor. Luckily, I soon came to my senses and embraced my true identity as a young fogey.”

Curing the Taste for a Shiny Death

“Don’t believe the lie that struggling always to obey God is a worse lot in life than disobeying him with peace. God did not make us to ‘feel good inside’ (or outside) all the time this side of heaven; he made us to share in the sufferings of Christ, that we might share in his resurrection.”

Flashback: God’s Google

God has got his own version of Google and, until recently, it was the one Christians relied on. God’s version of Google is called the local church.

How Should Parents Respond to their Children’s Sexual Sin?

I’m thankful to ERLC for sponsoring the blog this week. Sponsors play a key role in keeping the site going, so I’m grateful for each one.

A firm faith in the universal providence of God is the solution of all earthly troubles.

—B.B. Warfield

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