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Weekend A La Carte (November 28)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Books for Christmas

Is there anything better to get for Christmas than books? Here are gift recommendations from Westminster Books.

When My Industry Died

This author writes about the death of the video store he worked in. It’s interesting to consider what we lose when we go from a store staffed with people and filled with DVDs and migrate to Netflix.

Five Questions about the Pastor’s Piety

The Gospel Reformation Network asked Scott Oliphint to respond to a series of questions on holiness in pastoral ministry and church leadership.

What Is a Budget?

“A budget is more than numbers scribbled on a yellow steno pad in response to a crisis with good intentions that will never be fulfilled.” OK, but what is it, then? Brad Hambrick explains.

Has Marcion Invaded our Churches?

Marcion rejected certain portions of the Old and New Testaments. And maybe we follow his lead in some ways.

Tomorrow in 1960. 55 years ago tomorrow, Ligon Duncan was born. You can wish Lig a happy birthday on Twitter—but remember to wait till tomorrow!

If Famous People Had Kim Jong-un’s Hair

Whether or not it’s true that Kim Jong-un has told people to imitate his hairstyle, it’s fun to see what various people would look like if they did so.

Thanks to Books at a Glance

Thanks to Books at a Glance for sponsoring the blog this week with “A Valuable, Time-Saving Resource for Busy People.”

Repentance requires greater intimacy with God than with our sin.

—Rosaria Butterfield

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