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Weekend A La Carte (September 30)

Weekend A La Carte

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a lot of neat deals. They are worth checking out.

Meet the Mother of Modern Missions

Here’s a Christian figure you out to meet. “Born a slave in 1718 and kidnapped at an early age from the Caribbean nation of Antigua, Protten was converted to Christianity by her master. She eventually gained her freedom, and she wanted to use it to bring others to Jesus.”

What’s the Easiest Way to Memorize Scripture? (Video)

Donald Whitney answers in this short video.

Keepers of the Secrets

“I was told that the most interesting man in the world works in the archives division of the New York Public Library, and so I went there, one morning this summer, to meet him.” It became quite a fun article.

Good Theology that Makes You Glad in Suffering

“Rejoicing in suffering doesn’t mean enjoying suffering. It’s purposefully bearing down under pain with joyful submission to God, understanding his purpose, and believing he will accomplish it through this perfect means.”

The Day of Atonement was a Copy of Christ’s Atonement

Sinclair Ferguson: “It is common to think of the Old Testament ritual as providing the model that Jesus’ priesthood subsequently copied and fulfilled. But Hebrews sees things differently. The Old Testament ritual of the high priest moving through the tabernacle—with its various rooms and furniture, especially the Holy of Holies and the ark with the mercy seat—is not the model but the copy (Heb. 8:5).”

Worship Isn’t About Feelings

Not first, anyway. “I grew up in the church, and by the time I was a teenager was well acquainted with the concept of a “mountaintop” spiritual experience. If you missed out on this (bless you), then here’s the basic idea…”

The Pope’s Crisis of Conscience

Chris Castaldo: “Ever since August 11, when 40 Roman Catholic leaders presented a 25-page letter to Pope Francis (a “Filial Correction”), the issue of Christian conscience has generated discussion. Conscience is recognized as the inner core of a person that identifies morally good and evil choices in accord with right reason and God’s Word. The discussion, however, has opened a can of worms.”

Flashback: Maybe You Need To Declare a Name Amnesty Sunday

You’ve had the experience. I know you have. You’ve seen new people at church and meant to meet them, but never got around to it. Now they’ve been attending for 3 or 4 months and you know it will be just plain awkward to march up to them to introduce yourself.

What Is Doctrine and Why Is it Important?

Thanks to Crossway for sponsoring the blog this week!

Prayer helps us cling to the altar of God’s promises by which we lay hold of God himself.

—Joel Beeke

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