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A Prayer For A Conference

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At some point in my youth I got it into my head that conferences are a colossal waste of time. I somehow came to believe that they are not a good use of a Christian’s time. I have since had to rethink this position. Having now attended many wonderful conferences, I’ve come to see that, contrary to my former beliefs, they can be a tremendous blessing. Already they have blessed me immeasurably. While good conferences provide edifying teaching, they are also a time of spiritual refreshment. They are a brief time away from the ordinary and a time of focusing on God.

As you know, tomorrow I’ll be heading to Gaithersburg, Maryland for the WorshipGod06 Conference. I’ve wondered how I should pray to prepare my heart and to ask God to prepare the hearts of others who will attend. As I so often do, I decided to try writing down some thoughts. They became a prayer. Here, then, is my prayer prior to this conference.

Our gracious God and Father. I approach your throne today, knowing that it is only through the name of Jesus that I can stand before you. I thank and praise you for your goodness in allowing me to do so. I am unworthy of this honor, this privilege.

I come before you to seek your blessing on the WorshipGod conference.

Grant that the men who will bring your Word to us this week may do so with power and with great freedom. Be near to Bob Kauflin, Jeff Purswell, Mark Mullery, Craig Cabaniss and Randy Alcorn. Grant them humility before your Word as they finish their preparations and grant that they may be filled with a holy dread and gravity as they stand before your people. May they know what it is to be filled with the Spirit. May we know what it is to sit under the preaching of the Word. Speak to us, we pray. Speak to our hearts through the words of these men. May we never be the same.

Be with the men and women who will lead us in worship. Be near to Bob Kauflin, Keith and Kristyn Getty and all others who will sing or play instruments. Grant that in all things they may seek to serve you. May they select songs that will bring glory and honor to Your name. May they lead us in singing songs that celebrate the beauty of the Savior. May they lead us in songs that sing of your wonders, your glory, your triumphs, your holiness, your majesty. Let everything that has breath in that place praise the Lord together. May our worship be a sweet and fragrant offering to you. Accept it Lord, though we know it is poor and imperfect. Accept it through Your grace.

Be with the men and women who are responsible for organizing the conference. We thank you for the servant’s hearts you have given to them. We ask that you will allow them to be a blessing to many of your people this week. We ask that the conference will run smoothly and that Your hand will be evident in all that transpires.

Would you help all who attend to come to this conference as true worshippers–as those who worship you in spirit and in truth. Grant that we may not come before you as frauds, standing in Your presence filled with unconfessed sin. Give us the strength and wisdom to reconcile ourselves to our brothers and sisters before we come before You in worship. Give us discerning hearts that we may see and confess our sin before you. Open our eyes to see and to know you in a new way. Help us to worship you only with our lips, but with our hearts, our souls, and all that we are. Accept the gift of worship we will bring to you. May it please you.

Be with your servant Pastor Josh as he prepares to preach your Word on Sunday. Grant that his time of preparation will be fruitful and that you will stir His heart with the great news of the gospel, that he may preach with power and with passion on Sunday morning.

Be with me Lord. I confess that already my heart is polluted with sin. As I think about worshipping you, already I wonder how other men may perceive me. Already I sin against you. Extend your gracious forgiveness to me that I may come before you with a clean heart. Renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, but allow me to stand before you in worship. Keep before me that to obey is better than sacrifice. Help me to be obedient to you in all things. Fill me with your spirit. Grant that I may serve you by serving others.

Grant travelling mercies as men and women from around the world converge tomorrow on Gaithersburg. Keep us safe in car, plane and train. Speed us on our way as we gather together in Your name.

We pray for peace and unity while we gather together. We ask that there will be mercy and understanding. We ask that there will be a great outpouring of your Spirit. We ask that you will bless us in Jesus name and for His sake.

I ask these things humbly and in the name that is above all names. I ask trusting that You hear this prayer. Grant that I may be expectant and observant in seeking answers to this prayer so that I may praise You for Your goodness. May we all seek Your presence and glory in it together as we worship you this week.

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