Christians are well-resourced with tremendous books that teach the theology and the practice of prayer. Many churches and ministries offer powerful classes that teach why we must pray and how we must pray. We are truly blessed.
But as E.M. Bounds insists, the best place to learn prayer is not a classroom, but a closet. The best way to learn prayer is not to read books on prayer, but to simply pray. The books and classes can help, to be sure. But at some point, we must simply close our eyes and pray. Even with our lack of confidence, even with our lack of knowledge, even with our lack of theology, we must simply close our eyes, open our mouths, and speak to God.
If you do this you will find what a host of Christians have found: As you commit yourself to the discipline of prayer, as you engage in it day after day and year after year, you will find yourself learning what it means to pray with faith, with power, with humility, with persistence. Christian, if you want to learn to pray, pray!