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Headlines (December 4)

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Dreads For Sale – How impoverished are some of the smaller Christian bands? Jeremy Thiessen of downhere is selling his dreadlocks to raise money to buy what I presume is an engagement ring. The dreads will be listed on eBay for a starting bid of $50 each. There are twenty of them available. If you buy one you will “receive a personal thank-you letter & free downhere sticker, and feel good knowing you helped Jeremy make a life-changing purchase.” More info here.

More About Michael Card – Michael Card has made a small statement in regards to his comments about Mormons. Also, the reporter has clarified exactly what Card said about them. It seems that rather than saying that Christians and Mormons were “like the two ends of a long thread” he in fact said they were “like the two ends of a continuum.” You can read more at Card’s forum.

IBM To Sell PC Division – It seems IBM is looking to get out of the personal computer business. The company that started it all is going to sell their PC business to a Chinese company that is currently China’s largest producer of PCs. The deal is likely to bring IBM at least $2 billion. I was thinking of making an offer but it seems I am just a little bit more than $2 billion short of being able to match the current offer. Ah well, I guess I can wait for Apple to sell of their computer division.

Church Ad Banned – NBC and CBS have banned an ad from their networks sponsored by the United Church of Christ that invites homosexuals to their church. The spot features “two muscle-bound bouncers standing outside a church, selecting people who could attend service and those who could not. Among those kept out are two males who appear to be a couple. Written text then appears saying, in part, ‘Jesus didn’t turn people away, neither do we.’” The networks say that the ad went against their advertising policies and they simply can’t run it. A church official said “We find it disturbing that the networks in question seem to have no problem exploiting gay persons through mindless comedies or titillating dramas, but when it comes to a church’s loving welcome of committed gay couples, that’s where they draw the line.” He raises an interesting point, doesn’t he? Obviously I am glad the networks did not run the ad, but it does show a great lack of consistency. You can read all about it at CNN.

My Friends Know Me – I got two birthday gifts from friends. The one gave me a bunch of that salty Dutch black licorice (ie droppies or dropjes) that most sane people despise but I love with a passion. The other gave me a full-sized poster of Rick Warren. Just kidding – it was a poster of the reformers of the sixteenth century. You see? My friends know me, don’t they? Food and theology – the perfect combination.

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