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King for a Week – The Blazing Center

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King for a Week is an honor I bestow on blogs that I feel are making a valuable contribution to my faith and the faith of other believers…or sometimes just because I really like them. It is a way of introducing my readers to blogs that they may also find interesting and edifying. Every two weeks (or so. That is theoretical. Practically, I don’t get around to updating as often as I should and we’ve been know to have kings for a month or two!) I select a blog, link to it from my site, and add that site’s most recent headlines to my right sidebar. While this is really not much, I do feel that it allows me to encourage and support other bloggers while making the readers of this blog aware of other good sites.

This week’s King for a Week is The Blazing Center. This is a blog headed up by Stephen Altrogge but it also features increasing numbers of contributions from his father, Mark Altrogge. If you know of the music of Sovereign Grace Ministries, these names will be familiar to you. Mark has long contributed some of the finest songs produced by that organization and Stephen is now also contributing many good selections. The two also recently collaborated on an album titled In A Little While. When I read The Blazing Center I am always reminded of why I love the men and women of Sovereign Grace Ministries. Mark and Stephen love the gospel and are continually drawing their readers hearts and minds back to the cross and back to the good new of salvation through Jesus Christ. They take every day situations and use these situations as a bridge to teaching eternal truths. Though it is a relative newcomer to the blogosphere, this site is already making a mark and is fast becoming a personal favorite. I commend it to you.

In the coming days (and/or weeks) you will be able to see the most recent headlines from this blog in the sidebar of my site. I hope you will make your way over to look around.

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