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Purpose Driven Life – Beginning The Journey

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Rick Warren is courageous. I don’t think I would have the courage to write a book, knowing full well it would be read by millions, which sought to answer life’s greatest question. Yet Warren claims that The Purpose Driven Life will do just that. It will answer the question of “What on earth am I here for?” The introduction claims “This is more than a book; it is a guide to a 40-day spiritual journey that will enable you to discover the answer to life’s most important question: What on earth am I here for?” By the end of the journey, he says, I will know God’s purpose for my life and will understand how all the pieces of my life fit together. This perspective will reduce my stress, simplify my decisions, increase my satisfaction, and, most important, prepare me for eternity. (Page 9)

Warren’s basis for the 40 day study is that it is a biblical model. He provides several examples of the spiritual significance in the Bible of 40 day time periods. He urges that I read only one chapter per day.

He then outlines four features which should help me:

  1. A Point To Ponder. This is a “nugget of truth that summarizes a principle of purpose-driven living that [I] can reflect on during the day.” I intend to spend time pondering these and possibly writing about them in this blog.
  2. A Verse To Remember. At this point I do not intend to memorize all of the Scripture verses. I will likely concentrate on a few, though. I will only memorize them in my translation of the Bible. I see little value in memorizing a variety of translations.
  3. A Question To Consider. These are questions that will help me “think about the implications of what [I] have read and how it applies to [me] personally.” I will spend time thinking and very possibly writing about these.
  4. Discussion Questions. Though Warren recommends taking this journey with someone else, I will not be going through this book with a friend. Many of my good friends have read the book and I may share thoughts with them and ask for their thoughts, but this will primarily be a solo effort.

Warren asks that I sign a covenant with him that I will go through the book a day at a time and finish it. I choose not to sign the covenant.

And with that I am ready to dive into the first chapter.

How can I be anything but excited as I embark on this journey? I cannot deny a bit of skepticism, based mostly on the incredible promises Warren makes about this journey. If this really is to reduce my stress, increase my satisfaction, etc, it is going to be a great ride!

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