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The Blessings of Growing Up in a Christian Home


I consider it the greatest privilege, the highest act of God’s providence, that I grew up in a Christian home. I consider it no small responsibility to ensure my children, likewise, are growing up in a home that is distinctly Christian. Then, it is my sincerest desire and confident hope, that my grandchildren will have this same privilege.

What are the benefits belonging to those so blessed? They are, perhaps, too many to list, and only eternity will fully enumerate them. But these few resonate in my heart today.

The privilege of prayer. To be born into a Christian home is to be born into a house of prayer. Before I even existed, my parents prayed for me. From the moment I was conceived, they prayed for me in particular. From the moment I was named, they prayed for me by name. From the moment I was born, they prayed over me, by me, and with me. I have only ever known a life of prayer, for I was born to praying people.

The privilege of Scripture. To be born into a Christian home is to be born into a house ruled by the Book. As soon as I was able to hear, I heard God’s Word. As soon as I was able to see, I saw my parents studying it. As soon as I was able to understand, they began to read it to me. As soon as I was able to memorize, they led me to store it up in my heart. As soon as I was able to read, they taught me the discipline of daily devotion. I have only ever known a life guided by the Book, for I was born to people of the Book.

The privilege of gospel. To be born into a Christian home is to be born into a house declaring the gospel. From my youngest days I was told of the great Savior and assured of my need for him. As soon as I was able to know names, I knew the name of Jesus. As soon as I was able to grasp my need for forgiveness, I was told of the forgiver. As soon as I was enabled to express faith, I expressed my faith in Jesus. I have only ever imagined a life submitted to Jesus, for I was born to people belonging to Jesus.

The privilege of community. To be born into a Christian home is to be born into a community of believers. Most of my earliest memories are of Christian churches and Christian worship, of songs, sermons, and sacraments. Those saints loved me as their own and love me still today. They prayed for me before I was born, they baptized me after I was born, they told me of my need of Jesus and of being reborn. It may not take a village to raise a child, but it certainly takes a church. I have only ever lived in Christian fellowship, for I was born to people committed to Christian fellowship.

The privilege of godliness. To be born into a Christian home is to be born before examples of godliness. I was born to new believers, but to sincere and motivated ones. They knew their task was to not only describe their faith with their words, but also to display it with their lives. Even as I was growing up under their care, they were growing up under God’s care. I saw them put sin to death, I saw them come alive to righteousness, I saw them serve as examples of Christian wisdom and character. I have only ever lived around examples of godliness, for I was born to examples of godliness.

In these ways and so many others, I experienced God’s grace and enjoyed an inestimable privilege. I hope, pray, and trust my children and grandchildren will be able to say the same.

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