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Books I Recommend: Productivity

Here is a selection of books that deal with productivity.

My book Do More Better is meant to be a short but practical guide to developing a system for productivity. I’ve heard from many who have found it helpful, so will recommend it on that basis.

Redeeming Productivity by Reagan Rose. Though I have not reviewed it, I do recommend Reagan Rose’s Redeeming Productivity for which I wrote a foreword. See also his book Well Done.

What’s Best Next by Matt Perman – Perman advocates what he calls “gospel-driven productivity” and applies Christian thought to many of today’s best books on productivity.

Busy by Ian Carmichael. This book offers a unique take on busyness and one that strikes to the very heart of our God-given purpose. It is a book that blessed and challenged me and, I trust, one that will bless and challenge you as well.