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Explore Reading Classics Together

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  • When the Very Best of Things Work Together for Evil

    There are few promises in the Bible sweeter than this: “We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). This is a promise of great blessing, but it is not a promise that extends to all humanity. Rather, it…

  • Reading Classics Together

    8 Ways Temptation Actually Works for Our Good

    Temptation is a universal experience. If Jesus himself did not escape it, we can be certain that we will not either. It can be difficult to see any good in temptation, yet we know that God has promised to work all things for our good—even temptation. Thomas Watson addresses this in his book All Things…

  • Cautions for the Spiritual Disciplines

    5 Cautions for Your Spiritual Disciplines

    We are all familiar with the spiritual disciplines and most of us are aware their importance to a healthy Christian life. Most of us practice the disciplines of reading scripture, praying, fellowshipping with other believers, and perhaps even fasting. But a few cautions may be in order as our familiarity with the disciplines may lead…

  • Why You Won’t Make It Without Armor

    At some point every Christian learns about the armor of God, the spiritual weaponry through which we are able to resist the relentless attacks of Satan as he seeks to destroy us. According to Ephesians 6, we are to fasten on the belt of truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, take up the shield…

  • Watchfulness

    The Lost Spiritual Discipline

    We are all accustomed to reading works on the spiritual disciplines of the Christian life. We know that as Christians we ought to discipline ourselves to ensure we maintain a lifelong focus on Word, prayer, and fellowship. And so we read the Bible and meditate on it, we pray as individuals and families, and we…

  • Five Great Benefits from Preaching

    One of my favorite things to do is to read old (or older, at least) books and to uncover the treasures they so often contain. There is something so challenging and so affirming about digging into a book that is hundreds of years old, yet speaks insightfully to the present day. Recently I’ve been enjoying…

  • How To Identify Your Pet Sin

    Every Christian can think of a sin he has identified and attacked with all the brutality he can muster. One of the great joys of the Christian life is seeing God be true to his Word as he motivates and empowers us to wage war against indwelling sin. Yet every one of us probably also…

  • How To Distinguish True Zeal from False Zeal

    How To Distinguish True Zeal from False Zeal

    I fear there is a plague of complacency among Christians today. Whatever happened to zeal? Whatever happened to Christians who are on fire to know and obey God, who have (in the words of John Reynolds) “an earnest desire and concern for all things pertaining to the glory of God and the kingdom of the…

  • 10 Sure Marks of Humility

    10 Sure Marks of Humility

    Is there any trait more odious than pride or more precious than humility? Is there any trait whose presence we so highly honor in others and whose absence we so readily excuse in ourselves? Truly, pride is the chief of sins and humility the highest of virtues. Yet the Christian has the joy of seeing…

  • Love of the Bible

    8 Ways to Measure Your Love for the Bible

    Christians are people of the Word, men and women who live their lives according to its every precept. The Bible is the revelation of God to display his character and to show what it means to live in conformity to him. It is an inestimable privilege to have access to the mind and will of…

  • How To Be a Faithful Servant of God

    Are You a Faithful Servant of God?

    The Bible uses several metaphors to describe the relationship of Christians to their God, and each of them examines it from a different perspective to display different truths. One of the most prolific metaphors is that of God as master and his people as servants. We are servants of God. What does this mean? What…

  • Hypocrisy

    5 Warnings to Those Who Merely Pretend To Be Godly

    There is in each of us a dangerous temptation toward hypocrisy, to be one thing but to pretend to be another. There are many within the church who are hypocrites, people who claim to be Christians but who are, in fact, unbelievers attempting to convince others (and perhaps themselves) that they are followers of Jesus…

  • Reading Classics Together

    Will You Read a Christian Classic With Me?

    Many times over the years, I have invited readers of this blog to join me in a reading project as part of an ongoing effort I’ve called Reading Classics Together. We’ve read some incredible books together—Holiness by J.C. Ryle, Christianity & Liberalism by Gresham Machen, The Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards, The Cross of Christ…

  • 4 Great Reasons to Read Romans

    Many Christians have declared Romans to be the finest book of the Bible, the high peak of Scripture. J.I. Packer echoes many pastors and theologians when he says, “All roads in the Bible lead to Romans, and all views afforded by the Bible are seen most clearly from Romans, and when the message of Romans…

  • Reading Classics Together

    Your Highest Privilege

    Of all the privileges that are ours through the gospel, which is the greatest? According to many theologians, there is no privilege higher than adoption. J.I. Packer says it like this: “Adoption is the highest privilege that the gospel offers: higher even than justification.” He doesn’t just say it, but also defends it, and his…

  • Reading Classics Together

    What Does It Mean that God Is Jealous?

    Nobody would imagine a jealous God. That’s what J.I. Packer says in Knowing God, and I think he might be right. There are lots of gods we might fabricate in our own minds, but we would naturally create ones who had only the characteristics we admire: Love, mercy, patience, and attributes like that. But jealousy?…

  • Reading Classics Together

    2 Serious Misconceptions about God’s Wrath

    There may be no theological topic more controversial than divine wrath. While most of humanity is eager to acknowledge the existence of God, and while most love to acknowledge his traits of grace and mercy and kindness, very few want to acknowledge his wrath. Yet wrath is a consistent theme in the Bible and a…

  • Reading Classics Together Collection cover image

    God Is His Own Executioner

    What is involved in the idea of the Father, or Jesus, being a judge? This is something J.I. Packer deals with extraordinarily well in his book Knowing God. Let’s track with him just briefly to see our good God in his function of just judge. Here are 4 characteristics of the judge. The judge is…

  • Reading Classics Together

    Perversity as Pathetic as Impoverishing

    We are easily distracted by the things that matter less, and preoccupied with the things that matter least. This is exactly the case—too often, at least—when it comes to talk of revival and when it comes to our desire to see the Spirit’s work in our lives and in the church. J.I. Packer makes the…

  • The Wise God and the Suffering Christian

    Why do Christians suffer? Why aren’t Christians relieved from trouble, from pain, from suffering? If God is powerful and wise, why doesn’t he direct his power and wisdom toward more comfortable lives for the ones he loves and redeems? J.I. Packer helpfully addresses this in the ninth chapter of Knowing God and I have condensed…