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  • CABC

    Training a New Generation of African Pastors and Church Leaders

    Central Africa Baptist College & Seminary in Kitwe, Zambia, is deeply involved in training up a new generation of African pastors and church leaders. My recent travels through Africa took me to the school and allowed me to see how it is impacting Zambia and many other countries in central Africa. I came away extremely…

  • Onthatile

    Get To Know Onthatile Children’s Ministries

    My recent journey through Africa led me to Onthatile Children’s Ministries in Johannesburg, South Africa (the second time I’ve visited the ministry, which is pronounced OWN-ta-tee-lay). There are nearly 3 million orphans in South Africa and Onthatile exists to rescue those that have been abandoned, then to provide them a safe haven until they can…

  • African Christian University

    Why I Believe in African Christian University

    I was recently given the opportunity to speak at the graduation ceremony of African Christian University, the second time I’ve been able to visit this new university in Lusaka, Zambia. Having visited twice, I believe in it more than ever. This short video explains what it is and why you should know about it. To…

  • Faith Childrens Village

    Faith Children’s Village: A Ministry You Should Know

    Faith Children’s Village in Kitwe, Zambia, exists to lead children into a relationship with Jesus Christ and disciple them to be Christ-like in actions and attitudes and to equip each child with life skills that will allow them to become productive Christian citizens. I have visited this amazing little ministry a couple of times and,…

  • Our Missionaries

    “Our Missionaries”: A Message of Thanks

    This summer I had the privilege of traveling to Mozambique to pay a surprise visit to Charles Woodrow, a missionary-doctor my church has supported for many years. This was the twentieth anniversary of the founding of a conference for pastors, and I was asked by his church and family to read a letter expressing my…

  • The Rock

    They Call It “The Rock”

    A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of spending some time in Newfoundland—Canada’s easternmost province (and the easternmost point of North America). It was a joy to be there and to explore some of what the Lord is accomplishing through his people. With the help of Thomas Heidman, I put together a little…

  • blog

    What Does It Mean To Be A Christian Blogger?

    Christians have always been very quick to adopt new technologies to further the great commission. But what are some of the drawbacks that come from using blogs and other social media, and how can we use these relatively new platforms to the glory of God? I was asked this question recently so my answer could…

  • Glorifying God with our Time

    How Can We Glorify God with Our Time?

    The way you spend your time says more about your spiritual condition than you may think. Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” In this clip, I try to expose two ways in which we…

  • ESV Scripture Journal

    What Are The ESV Scripture Journals All About?

    You’ve probably seen something recently about the ESV Scripture Journals. According to the publisher, they “pair the entirety of individual books of the New Testament with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of the biblical text, allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture. Individual…

  • New and Notable Books for February

    New and Notable Books for February

    I get a lot of books in the mail and once a month or so like to sit down and tell you about some of the especially notable ones. So here they are: the new and notable books for February. Typical Woman: Free, Whole, and Called in Christ by Abigail DoddsWhy I Love the Apostle…

  • sharing the gospel

    Am I Judged for My Productivity in Sharing the Gospel?

    On a recent trip to Rome, Italy, I participated in an Ask Me Anything event that was focused on matters of productivity. One of the questions I was asked was related to success at sharing the gospel, and if we are judged based on our faithfulness in doing so. Here is my answer. (I also…

  • Ask Me Anything, social media, leaving church

    The Perils of Social Media

    I’ve got one last Q&A to share from my time in the Philippines (where, over the course of the event, I spent a couple of hours answering questions). In this clip I was asked to comment on the ways Christians conduct themselves online. Here is what I had to say. Transcript How should Christians engage…

  • Protestant rome

    A Protestant Look at Catholic Rome (Video)

    It should be no great surprise that Rome is the most Catholic city in the world. (It is, after all, Roman Catholicism.) But that doesn’t mean there isn’t lots of history here that’s of particular interest to Protestants. In this video I take a Protestant look at Catholic Rome. This video is sponsored by Michael…

  • Ask Me Anything, social media, leaving church

    How Can I Leave My Church Well? (Video)

    This is a question that I get from time to time (in different variations): “I have come to differ theologically with my church in some significant ways, so should I leave, and if so, how?” This was asked at an Ask Me Anything event in the Philippines, and here’s my stab at an answer. (Context:…

  • Has Your Child Been Looking at Bad Stuff Online?

    What does a parent do when they catch their young child looking at inappropriate stuff online? I have been asked this one many times and in many ways and wanted to take a crack at answering it. Here is the Circle device we use in our home. Transcript Over the years there’s an email I’ve…

  • Ask Me Anything, social media, leaving church

    Does God Want Me to Obey Him Out Of Duty or Joy?

    It is a question Christians often ask: What is the relationship between obedience and joy? I was asked about this during a recent Ask Me Anything event in Philippines (which followed a sermon I gave that focused on Romans 8:1: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”). Here is…

  • Why Not Go On Sinning

    If I’m Forgiven, Why Can’t I Keep Sinning?

    I was recently privileged to speak at a conference in Quezon City, Philippines. The question and answer session yielded some interesting questions like this one: “If forgiveness is guaranteed and there is no longer any condemnation for me, why not sin?” This was my answer in the context of the sermon I had just preached.…

  • Shepherding At Home

    Shepherding At Home

    In this video, which was filmed at a nearby conference, I was asked about some of the concerns related to pastors and their families. I tried to briefly to remind church leaders of the temptations that draw us away from this primary calling. Transcript Pastors always need to remember that you’re qualified to ministry through…

  • Desiring Approval

    Desiring the Approval of Others

    During a recent trip to China , I was invited to spend some time with some friends who live there. They asked me questions that ranged far and wide, but here they asked me “as a public persona, do you struggle with desiring the approval of others? How do you deal with it?” Here is…

  • reading

    Becoming Better Readers

    During a recent trip to China , I was invited to spend some time with some friends who live there. They asked me questions that ranged far and wide, but here we talk about how to become better readers. Transcript What tips would you give for someone wanting to be a better reader? Tim: In…