I don’t often advertise here, but I’ve found a really good deal I’d like to pass along. The company that hosts my Web site, along with the sites of many of my clients, is offering a deal for this week. They are doubling many of their services, so instead of getting 1 GB of storage space you will get 2 GB. Instead of 40 GB of bandwidth, you’ll get 80. And all this for $7.95 a month. It makes me wish I had waited another couple of months! So if you are looking for hosting for a Web site, drop me a note and I’ll give you the details.
Is Biblical Counseling for You? Let the Goal be the Guide.
This week’s blog is sponsored by Insight Counseling, providing counsel, care, and training in the grace and power of Christ. Click here to find out more. Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would…