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The Pearcey Report

I just received the following press release from my friend Rick Pearcey.

Today marks the official launch of The Pearcey Report, a website of news, comment, information, and worldview. It can be viewed online at

J. Richard Pearcey is editor and publisher of the report. Rick has worked as a journalist, writer, and editor in the Washington, D.C., area since the late 1980s.

Best-selling author Nancy Pearcey is editor-at-large. Her most recent book is TOTAL TRUTH: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity. She is also the Francis A. Schaeffer Scholar at the World Journalism Institute.

There is much to explore in the The Pearcey Report. A few highlights:

* News: The News section connects readers with breaking stories of the day from around the world — in politics, international affairs, the arts, science, health, books, film, people, the odd tidbit, and more.

* Comment: The Comment section features insight and opinion from a variety of observers and news outlets.

* Articles: The Articles section offers a strategic and humane analysis of contemporary life, thought, and action. Expect to encounter the work of seminal Judeo-Christian worldview thinkers such as Francis Schaeffer, C.S. Lewis, Udo Middelmann, Os Guinness, and Nancy Pearcey.

* Information: The information component opens the door to the wider world of U.S. and international media — and to a life beyond the crisis of the moment. Thus, in addition to websites for columnists, think tanks, and activist groups, also available are resources for further study, travel, world cities, and more.

The website has already received praise for its design. The Pearceys want to thank webdesigner Tim Challies of Websonix for his expertise and terrific work in helping make The Pearcey Report attractive and engaging.

For more information about The Pearcey Report, see Or contact the Pearceys at [email protected].

I have been working with Rick for quite some time now and am very happy with the final result. The design was far more a case of me trying to capture Rick’s vision for the site than an original “Challies” design. I am pleased with the near-final result. I’d highly recommend visiting the site and either bookmarking it or grabbing the RSS feed. It promises to be a helpful resource.

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