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The Plan For This Blog

There are some out there who are wondering what the plan is for this site. So I thought I’d share a bit of my vision for it.

This site serves a couple of purposes. First, it gives me an outlet for writing. I enjoy writing, especially about spiritual topics, as I find it makes my Christian walk that much richer. Secondly, it allows me to provide updates on my life, post family photographs, etc. With my family being spread around North America it provides a way of keeping them in touch with my life.

So the plan is something like this. At least three times a week I hope to add a new article or review written by myself to this site. Another couple of times a week I hope to draw attention to another interesting site or article somewhere on the Net. Sundays I hope just to post a short reflection of some sort. I have no more structure than that at the moment.

  • Grounded in Grace

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