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Through The Blogroll

Today I thought I would highlight what some of the people on my blogroll have been writing about recently. If you are uncertain as to what a blogroll is, it is simply a list of other blogs I visit and recommend. You can see it by scrolling down on this page and looking in the right column. While some people link to just about every site under the sun, I try to keep mine fairly selective, linking only to friends or to sites I really enjoy and recommend. I click on every link in my blogroll just about every day and for some reason I always start at the bottom, so for today I’ll cover the bottom half of the blogroll.

David at He Lives has been writing about Free Will and how free will is more consistent with Calvinistic theology than with Arminian theology.

Tim at The Irvins has a new job driving a truck so spends more time driving around the US of A than he does blogging. While that is unfortunate for those of us who appreciate what he writes, I suppose it is better for his bank account.

The Jollyblogger has been covering a wide number of topics, including Jessica Simpson, Mary as Co-Redemptrix (sounds strangely familiar, actually) and, well, all sorts of those “oh-so-old” what ________ are you quizzes.

In The Faith shows just what exactly Good Friday and Easter are while also covering some of the recent faith-based headlines in the news.

Ochuk has been writing about awkwardness (or lack thereof), the certainty of life, and satisfaction with life.

Doug at Coffeeswirls continues to blog through the Bible, one day at a time. He has also been reflecting on Easter and on John Piper’s book Desiring God.

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