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Free Stuff Fridays

This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books. They’ve got a pretty incredible group of prizes for you this week. There will be 5 prizes this week, and each prize will include 11(!) books.

  • Gospel AssuranceGospel Assurance and Warnings by Paul Washer. “In Gospel Assurance and Warnings, Paul Washer shines the light of gospel hope as he cautions against the dangers of making an empty profession of faith and carefully explains from Scripture the basis for establishing and maintaining a sound assurance of faith.”
  • Captivated by Thabiti Anyabwile. “In Captivated, Thabiti Anyabwile invites you to set aside your early lessons on politeness and stare (yes, do stare) into the mystery of the cross and empty tomb.”
  • An All Surpassing Fellowship: Learning from Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s Communion with God by David Beaty. “See why M‘Cheyne’s communion with God has encouraged many believers over the years, and be encouraged yourself to seek that same sweet fellowship with the Lord.”
  • China’s Reforming Churches by Bruce Baugus. “While laying out the challenges and opportunities facing the church, the authors argue that assisting this reformation in China should be a central objective of the presbyterian and Reformed mission to China in this generation.”
  • Songs of a Suffering King by J.V. Fesko. “Author J. V. Fesko hopes to awaken the church to the majesty, beauty, and splendor of the Psalms through a devotional exploration of Psalms 1–8.”
  • Heart to Heart: Octavius Winslow’s Experimental Preaching by Tanner Turley. “By introducing us to this influential preacher of the past, this study shows the significance of Winslow’s homiletic for the church of today.”
  • An Able and Faithful Ministry: Samuel Miller and the Pastoral Office by James Garretson. “Jim Garretson highlights the narrative of Miller’s life and the major ministerial emphases found in his published writings, sermons, and unpublished lecture notes.”
  • The Cultivating Biblical Godliness Booklet Series (which includes 4 volumes: How do I Kill Remaining Sin? by Geoff Thomas; What is a Christian? by Ryan McGraw; How Should Teens Read the Bible? by Joel Beeke; What does it mean to Love God? by Maurice Roberts).

Cultivating Godliness

Again, there are 5 prizes to win, so get in on that draw!

Enter to Win

Again, there are 5 prize packages to win. And all you need to do to enter the draw is to drop your name and email address in the form below. (If you receive this by email, you will need to visit to enter.)

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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