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Free Stuff Fridays (The Good Book Company)

This weeks Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by The Good Book Company. They are giving away to one winner a bundle of their new releases!

This September Releases Bundle Includes…

God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook by Carl Laferton

Watch children discover God’s big promises and how Jesus keeps every one of them! God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook contains both familiar stories, such as Noah & the ark, David & Goliath, and Daniel & the lions’ den, and lesser-known stories such as Jacob & Esau and Simeon & Anna. Together, these 92 theologically faithful stories point to the one big story of the Bible: God making and keeping his promises to redeem his people.

Bright, colorful icons indicate which stories relate to a promise made or a promise kept within 5 distinct themes: Rescue, People, Land, Joy and King. It is a great first Bible to introduce a child to the stories of the Bible and the promise-keeping God who loves them. It also provides a trusted starting point for children to cultivate a lifelong love of God’s word.

The Christian Manifesto by Alistair Begg

What does genuine Christian living look like in the 21st century, and how can we be motivated to live that way?

The answer comes from Jesus’ sermon in Luke 6 (sometimes known as the Sermon on the Plain), which starts, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God,” and goes on to lay out God’s vision statement for the Christian life. It is a manifesto that transcends politics, culture, and personality, detailing God’s intentions for his people.

Alistair Begg unpacks this sermon, encouraging Christians to live a radically different life that upends the world’s values and philosophies. It’s a lifestyle that is counterintuitive and countercultural, yet one that God blesses with true meaning and impact.

As we look at the kindness and compassion of Jesus and ask for the Holy Spirit’s help, we’ll grow in both the motivation and the ability to obey Jesus’ teaching and experience the blessing that comes from that.

Training Young Hearts: What Are Hands For? and What Are Mouths For? by Abbey Wedgeworth

The new Training Young Hearts series addresses the attitudes of the heart that underpin behavior and explains how the gospel of grace enables us to change. What Are Mouths For? and What Are Hands For? are the first two in the series and address both positive and negative behaviors related to little ones’ mouths and hands.

Parents, teachers, and other loved ones can refer back to these resources when specific behaviors need both to be corrected and to be connected to forgiveness, grace, and growth.

Faithfully Present by Adam Ramsey

Most of us feel that life is rushing past us. We reach the end of another day or week or year and wonder where it went. So we double down on trying to do more or do better—or distract ourselves with the many diversions the 21st century has to offer. But often we’re so busy thinking about the next thing that we’re at risk of missing the main thing: the people and places God has put in front of us, right here, right now.

There is a better way to live. In this thought-provoking book, Adam Ramsey helps us to embrace the time and place we are in and to live each day fully and faithfully present with God and with others. Readers will discover fresh joy in the little things, freedom from the tyranny of time, and contentment in every season of life.

Hopeward by Dai Hankey

This positive and encouraging book takes readers on a hopeward journey with Jesus from despondency to joy. They will discover how Jesus can restore and sustain them, and they will be re-energized to carry on serving him in a joyful and manageable way.

Author Dai Hankey is a church planter in Cardiff and founder of Red Community, a Christian charity that fights human trafficking in Wales. Speaking from a personal experience of burnout, he comes alongside weary Christians to explore what it looks like in practice to really lean on Jesus and enjoy his rest.

Enter Here

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. When you enter, you permit The Good Book Company to send you marketing emails which you may unsubscribe from at any time. The winner will be notified via email, and those who do not win will receive an email with the option to download a free e-copy of 12 Things God Can’t Do by Nick Tucker. The giveaway closes on Friday, September 29th at noon EST.

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