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Friday Frivolity

Before we get frivolous, Jeff Fuller has asked that I pass along an April Fool’s tract he is promoting called “Don’t Be An April Fool.” You can download it here.

I am now firmly established in my new office, which I grow to enjoy more every day. At one point I had all the books on the shelves, but have since begun to try to put them in some semblance of order. Of course prior to order there must be chaos, so there are currently books piled all over the floor (to my wife’s great chagrin). I really have no idea how to organize a growing theological library, so am interested in hearing from those who have had to find ways of sorting and organizing largish personal libraries. I could use some tips!

To this point I have put all of my commentaries and reference books (New Testament introductions, etc) together on a few shelves and have put most of my antique books up high. I also have a shelf or two of church history and another that is a set of Spurgeon’s sermons. Beyond that I have been planning just to mix everything else together, sorting by the name of the author. But it seems to me that there must be a better way than organizing a library by Commentaries & Reference, Church History, Antique and then other. Does anyone have some advice to pass along? My library is not exceedingly large now, but it is rapidly heading that way and I’d like to get a handle on it now while I still can.

The finishing touch for my office is the wall decoration. My order of prints (courtesy of Reformation Art – the place to shop for that theological or church history geek in your life) showed up in the mail a few days ago and I am thrilled with them. I immediately ran off to Ikea and managed to find a set of frames that will do the trick (easier said than done since Ikea stocks European-sized frames and the prints came on American-sized paper. And of course, since this was Ikea, they only had six frames while I have seven prints). As soon as my wife and I can agree on whether or not it will look ridiculous to have the prints in a row along the wall (I say it will look fine, she says it will look silly) I will hang them up. Here are the prints I ordered. In keeping with the theme of Friday Frivolity, I have subtely added one that does not belong. Feel free to guess which one.

Martin Luther

John Knox

Hugh Latimer

Thomas Cranmer

William Tyndale

John Calvin

C.J. Mahaney

John Wycliffe

It looks like I have a fairly busy weekend coming up, though thankfully not nearly as busy as last weekend! Our house is nearly in order and another Saturday’s worth of work should go a long ways to setting things straight. Have a blessed weekend!

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