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Friday Frivolity: Penguins, Archimedes, Phil Johnson, Adrian Warnock and More…

Adrian Warnock, whom most people know only as a pixelated face superimposed over a picture of Big Ben (click here), seems to want to fight. And as history has proven time and time again, these British folk, like the little kid on the playground who runs to the safety of his big brother, will only fight when the Americans have their back. Thus Adrian has also seeks to poison the mind of Phil Johnson so that he will turn on me.

But I am impervious to such mockery. And so today, as a show of my humility, I present to you a list of the top 10 reasons you should read Adrian’s blog and Phil Johnson’s blog instead of mine.

  1. You’ll have to visit Phil to find a link to Centuri0n. Phil is, I believe, the only blogger in the entire blogosphere that links to Centuri0n (or at least the only one who considers him stellar).
  2. To make yourself feel better about your housekeeping. Adrian’s blog is so disorganized it will make even the most cluttered room seem positively feng shui.
  3. Because Phil is one of the world’s foremost experts in the area of Intelligent Design and has written several excellent books on the subject.
  4. Adrian has a sexy British accent that shines through as clearly in print as it does in speech.
  5. Phil can teach you the shamless art of self-promotion by showing you how to search for yourself in every major search engine and aggregator.
  6. You can browse Adrian’s list of “Warnie” winners to see the list of bloggers he claims to have “made” because of the award. Because, you know, none of these people had any readers or anything to offer before the award.
  7. At Phil’s blog you’re only two clicks away from the list of every disgusting thing he’s ever eaten, and that’s important information.
  8. Because Adrian and Jollyblogger are the same person and Jollyblogger is just a nice guy.
  9. Phil Johnson has John MacArthur as a guest-blogger. Of course when the rest of us post copyrighted material on our sites we consider it plagarism, but Phil prefers the term “guest blogging.”
  10. And finally, because for some reason, unlike most of the rest of us, people actually seem to care what they say.

In other frivolous news, I have been working on an updated blogroll. It is taking some time because I am attempting to make it meaningful, which means that I cannot list every evangelical blog in the world. I am also annotating it, providing a brief glimpse of what I like about a particular site. I am hoping to launch this new feature next week.

Finally, it seems I can stop having nightmares about drowning in quicksand. Archimedes comes to the rescue yet again.

And finally, I present to you, a really endangered species.

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