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New Attitude

This morning Aileen and I are leaving for sunny (we hope) and beautiful Louisville, Kentucky so we can take in the New Attitude conference which runs from this evening until Tuesday morning. It will feature a great group of speakers: Joshua Harris, Eric Simmons, Mark Dever, Al Mohler, C.J. Mahaney and, of course, the ever-present John Piper. The topic, spiritual discernment, is of particular interest to me and I look forward to learning all sorts of things I will only be able to wish I had added to my book before submitting it to the publisher. It should be an educational, exciting and humbling weekend.

Now I am clearly far too old to be at this conference. Looking at the photographs from last year’s conference I can see that the average person there will be much younger and, no doubt, much more energetic. The conference schedule reflects this with the evening sessions ending after my normal bed time!


This will be the first time Aileen has accompanied me to a conference and she is looking forward to seeing what these conferences are all about. We’re also bringing the baby with us (is she still a baby at one year of age?) so if you’re going to be there, look out for the two old people with the little red-headed baby. We’d love to meet you. Also, keep an eye out for the Crossway booth or table where I believe they’ll be giving away downloadable copies of a portion of my book.

This will be the final conference on my busy spring itinerary and it looks like it will be a great way to close out the season. Check back later today (quite a bit later, really) and I should have the first update long after the sun goes down. See you in Louisville!

By the way, here is a funky video about the conference.

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