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DVD Review – Jihad According to the Quran and the Hadith

Since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, there has been an increased interest among Christians in understanding Muslims. As Christians it seems inconceivable that a religion could condone and even celebrate such acts of terrorism. What seems barbaric to us is considered admirable by others. It is in this context that Faith Defenders produced Jihad According to the Quran and the Hadith.

The DVD features Dr. Robert Morey, a Christian apologist who specializes in defending the faith against cults and Islam. Dr. Morey is a well-known and highly-trained apologist who studied under such men as Walter Martin, Francis Schaeffer, Gordon Clark, Van Til and John Murray. It also features brief interviews with Muslims and Islamic converts to Christianity.

The primary purpose of the video is to show that Jihad is not, as some have suggested, an isolated belief held by a few Muslims, but part of the very fabric of Islam. It is not merely encouraged by radicals, but commanded by the Quran and the Hadith, the Muslim Scriptures. A fact I found particularly compelling is that the translations of the Quran into English are not entirely honest, but have been “toned-down” in order to make Islam more palatable to Westerners. For example, the original document allows a man to beat his wife. The word used is the same used to control a camel or punish a thief – a strong word that denotes a sound beating. Yet in Western translations this word is often interpreted as being similar to a “light slap” that is more ceremonial than painful. Another sobering moment is when an Quranic scholar provides a list of violent words and the number of times each is used in the Islamic Scriptures. The video also shows that Islam is a religion where lying and deception are considered permissible and even admirable.

It is important that Christians understand Islam and do not succumb to the lies that it is a primarily a religion of peace. This is simply and obviously not the truth. This is doubly important in our age when it seems many supposed Christians are working to bridge the gaps between Christianity and other religions. This is a good presentation and one that achieves its purpose. I am happy to recommend it.

Jihad According to the Quran and the Hadith can be purchased from Faith Defenders.

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