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Compassion Bloggers

A couple of months ago I received a rather unique invitation. Compassion International was considering sending a team of bloggers to Dominican Republic and wondered if I might be interested in tagging along. The purpose of the trip is for these bloggers to see what Compassion is doing in that place and to learn what the organization is all about. I thought about it for some time and have decided to go along. I have long wondered about Compassion, having a perhaps-unhealthy skepticism about such ministries. The more I learn about it, though, the more I am convinced it is a good and valuable organization and I hope that this trip will help allay any remaining fears.

Here is what Compassion says about the trip: “November 2-7, 2008 Compassion International will take a group of bloggers to see their ministry to over 40,000 children in the Dominican Republic. Known for its resort-speckled beaches, there’s another side to this Caribbean nation unknown to most vacationers. Our bloggers will visit a city dump where families scavenge for food and clothing. They’ll tour a neighborhood where drugs are trafficked and children live beside open sewers. And bloggers will also see firsthand how Compassion International and child sponsors are bringing hope to children living in these places by releasing them from poverty in Jesus’ name.”

And so, in early November, I will be heading to Dominican Republic. My one fear about the trip is being away from home for the better part of a week all by my lonesome–no friends and no family to go along. I spoke to my wife and children and spoke to Compassion and it now seems likely that my son Nicholas, who is eight, will be coming with me. If it works out (and again, I think it will), he will be starting his own blog for the trip and will be blogging from the perspective of an eight year-old. I’m hoping that his blog will be of interest to some of the children out there. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to spend the time and enjoy the experience with my boy.

So keep an eye on this blog from November 2-7 and you can read updates from Dominican. You may also like to tune in to read some other blogs as these people will also be going: Melanie from, Mary from, Marlboro Man (and his two daughters) from, Jennifer from Shaun Groves and Brian Seay will co-lead the trip.

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