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Who You Know

I’m a bit late posting today. I had arranged weeks ago for my son and me to head to the Rogers Center today to see the Blue Jays take on the White Sox. We were going to meet a new friend (and reader of this site who just so happens to have served as chaplain to the Blue Jays for decades) at the stadium and take in the game with him.

Early in the day I got a call from this friend and he told me that he had arranged passes for us to go down to the field during pre-game. So we hurried off and met up with him at the Rogers Center. And sure enough, we made our way through the dark recesses of the stadium and emerged in the Jays’ dugout. Now I’m too old to be too overly impressed by such things, but it was as if my son had touched the moon. He was thrilled. And I know I would have been too at his age.

Best of all, John Gibbons (the coach) came over, chatted with him for a bit, and gave him a couple of balls. Then we headed towards the Jays’ clubhouse and met up with Alex Rios, one of Nick’s favorite players. We got a photo with him and he signed one of those balls. And then, late in the game, he smashed a three run homer that put the final nail in the coffin for the Sox. We also met Jerry Howarth who calls the games on the radio. I listened to Jerry every night on the radio when I grew up and my son listens to him most nights now. It was great to finally meet the guy after hearing him talk for so many years.

So all-in-all it was a pretty good day. I’ve been to a lot of ball games in my time, but this one, well, it stands out.

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