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The Art of Godliness, Episode 2: Honoring Parents

The Art of Godliness

Today I bring you episode 2 of The Art of Godliness, the new podcast hosted by myself and my good friend Paul Martin. The purpose of the podcast is to think out loud and in public about how to live a quiet and peaceful life, godly and dignified in every way. After discussing conflict resolution in episode 1, we turn today to the subject of honoring parents. Specifically, we discuss how we, as grown adults, should honor our aging parents.

Thanks to our sponsor Logos Mobile Education for making this episode possible. Please visit to learn about Logos Mobile Ed and to get a great discount on some of their best courses.

You can subscribe to The Art of Godliness via iTunes and most other podcast directories. If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do so here.

Show Notes

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