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Moms in Touch

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Moms in TouchMoms in Touch is a ministry I’m very, very excited about. And I want you to be excited about it too. In fact, I want to encourage you to read to the end of this post and then to take action.

I first encountered Moms in Touch at the 2008 True Woman conference. I did not have a lot of time to investigate it, but was really impressed with the little I did see. Last weekend as I was in Fort Worth for the 2010 True Woman conference I spent some time meeting the ministry and Fern Nichols, its founder, and found myself moved as I heard about the organization and about how it serves communities. I just had to share some of that.

So here’s the deal. Moms in Touch is a ministry that coordinates prayer groups. They want women to be praying and they coordinate that prayer. They want women praying very specifically for children, for schools and for the educators within those schools.

They are:

  • Two or more moms who meet regularly to pray for their children, their schools, their teachers and administrators.
  • Mothers, grandmothers or anyone who is willing to pray for a specific child and school.
  • Moms who believe that prayer makes a difference.
  • A nonprofit, donation-supported ministry in 120-plus countries.

Now, you might be thinking “But I homeschool my children.” Perfect. That gives you even more reason to pray for the children in those schools. One of my real concerns with the growth of Christian homeschooling is that there is less and less Christian influence within the public system. While I absolutely understand why so many choose to homeschool, I see a ministry like this one as a great way of continuing to be involved in the public system and to do something that will benefit the school and its students.

So what does this actually look like? Essentially, two or more women (moms, grandmothers, etc) meet together on a regular basis to pray for the school, for its students, for its leaders. As much as possible they pray by name, they pray specifically and they pray passionately. And that’s it. It’s not a teaching organization so there are no Bible studies, no curricula, no political affiliations. They simply pray.

Let me take off the blogger hat here and put on my dad hat. As you may know, my children go to a local public school. I quite literally find tears in my eyes as I consider a group like this meeting to pray for my children and their classmates. The thought of women taking time to intercede on their behalf for no other reason than a love for them and concern for their souls chokes me up.

And yet there is no such group for their school (or for any other school in my city). There are thousands and thousands of moms praying through this organization, and yet there are so many schools that do not yet have anyone praying for them. Not too long ago I was walking through my neighborhood looking at homes and wondering, “Have the people in that home ever, even once, had a Christian pray for them? Has anyone ever interceded with God on their behalf?” And I think the same as I drive by the schools and see hundreds of children out on the playgrounds. Who is praying for those children? Who is pleading with God for their souls?

Take Action!

And this is where I want to ask you to do something.

For men who have read this far, why don’t you forward this to your wife or to other women and encourage them to get involved.

For women who have read this far, why don’t you go to the Group Locator and find a school near you. You can simply type in your state and city and see a list of local schools. If there is an existing group, why don’t you consider contacting that group? And if there isn’t, why don’t you consider starting one? What a great way to express love, to express care, to honor God.

Not interested in that kind of a group? Well then why don’t you consider one of their other kinds of groups. They also pray for colleges and universities, for families with special needs, for homeschool families, and on and on.

Here is brief video about Fern Nichols and the organization she founded.

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