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New & Notable Book Reviews

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I love writing book reviews and I love reading them. Since I cannot possibly read and review all of the interesting books out there, I publish occasional round-ups of reviews written by other writers. Or even if I am able to review the book, it’s always good to get a second opinion. So here are a few notable links I’ve collected over the past few weeks.

Gospel DeepsGospel Deeps by Jared Wilson

Reviewed by Mike Leake. “Gospel Deeps is a risky book. I say that it is risky because it is not immediately practical. There are not 10 steps to ‘going deep in the gospel.’ There is no immediately practical advice for living out the Christian life. Neither does this book make any shockingly new insights; it is not revolutionary in that sense. The point of the book is not to help you change your church, reconsider your theology, or inspire you with newfound truth. All Jared Wilson does in Gospel Deeps is hold up an infinitely precious jewel, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and call us to marvel along with him. That’s risky.” (Learn more and shop at Amazon)

Tempted and Tried by Russell Moore

Reviewed by Mike Wittmer. This is one of my all-time favorite books; Wittmer liked it as much as I did. “Moore’s book reads like a sermon series on the temptations of Christ, with numerous memorable lines and extended commentary on contemporary church and culture. I think anyone who is planning to preach on temptation and sin in general or Christ’s temptations in particular should read this book. Also anyone who is planning on sinning. …Moore’s book is simply theology the way it’s supposed to be. You may not agree with every one of his points, but you’ll be better off for having read his book (assuming you apply the points that convict you, and unless you’ve completed Wesley’s steps to Christian perfection, I’m sure you’ll find more than a few).” (Learn more and shop at Amazon)

The Work of ChristThe Work of Christ by R.C. Sproul

Reviewed by Aaron Armstrong. “Rather than trying to be the final word, The Work of Christ serves as a starting point for greater study. Sproul doesn’t expect readers to just take his word for the importance of each of these events, nor does he provide extensive overviews of each subject—he expects readers to study for themselves. From beginning to end, from incarnation to return, the work of Christ is necessary for our salvation and our growth in Christ. This is a subject we must study thoughtfully and apply well. The Work of Christ offers readers—whether individuals or small groups—a wonderful starting point. I trust that you’ll be blessed as you see just how important all the events of Jesus’ life are for you.” (Learn more and shop at Amazon)

Matthew Henry: His Life and Influence by Allan Harman

Reviewed by Jeremy Walker. “While Matthew Henry’s commentary, though sneered at in some quarters, remains rightly esteemed, the man himself is often little more than a cipher. Though in a style that is not always lively, Allan Harman puts that right in this accessible biography by putting the writing in the context of the life. … In the 350th anniversary year of Matthew Henry’s birth, we would do well to consider his life and draw from it the valuable lessons to which Harman points us.” (Learn more and shop at Amazon)

Father Son Holy SpiritFather, Son, and Holy Spirit by Bruce Ware

Reviewed by David Steele. “Recent years of scholarship have surfaced some terrific books on the doctrine of the Trinity. Father, Son, & Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles & Relevance by Bruce A. Ware is among the best. Dr. Bruce Ware defines and defends the doctrine of the Trinity with biblical precision, Christ-exalting passion, and theological muscle. … Dr. Ware has done in invaluable service for the church in this book. He has unpacked the doctrine of the Trinity in a way that is clear and biblical. He has skillfully applied this essential doctrine in a way that can strengthen a Reformed spirituality among believers. And he has rightfully challenged the egalitarian movement with the biblical antidote that should define a new generation of Evangelicals.” (Learn more and shop at Amazon)

War of Words by Paul David Tripp

Reviewed by Lindsey Carlson. “In thirteen chapters, you will find enough material to keep your brain and your heart busy for a long while. A month was probably too quick to digest such a thick read and glean every insight. It’s great information that will challenge and convict the Christ follower to the core, but be warned; this is no light-hearted, short, weekend read. … This jewel of a book has encouraged me to examine my own words (i.e., my heart) on a regular basis, and to continue striving for God’s glory and redemptive purposes in all of my relationships. In Christ, it is possible to win the war of words!” (Learn more and Shop at Amazon)

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