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Visual Theology

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Infographics have become all the rage over the past few years and are used to display all manner of information. Last year I found myself wondering if infographics could be used to display theology in a helpful and visually-appealing way. I soon spoke to a few graphic artists and commissioned a series of twelve infographics, each of which dealt with a particular point of theology. I made these graphics freely available to copy and download and also offered them for sale for those who wanted them professionally printed. Here is a round-up of those twelve graphics. And yes, for those who are asking, I do hope to have a new series early next year.

(Update: Visual Theology the book is now available!)


Simply click on any of the graphics to see it full-sized, to download it for free, or to purchase a poster. [Update: There is now a Visual Theology website.]

The Order of Salvation

The Order of Salvation

The Attributes of God

The Attributes of God

The Books of the Bible

Books of the Bible

Think on These Things

Think on These Things

Awaiting the Messiah

Awaiting the Messiah

The Trinity

The Trinity

To the Glory of God

To the Glory of God

The Message of the Tabernacle

The Tabernacle

The Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit

Reformed Theology

Reformed Theology

One Another

One Another

The Atonement

The Atonement

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