Depending on your advertising package I will need images from you that meet certain criteria. The image dimensions fall into two sizes:
Sponsor Ad Images
Image Dimensions: 960 by 540 pixels
Explanation: Your ad will be displayed on several device types (phone, tablet, desktop, etc.) with varying screen resolutions. To ensure the sharpest display, I require an ad that is 960 by 540 pixels. Your ad image will be resized to a smaller size on various devices, always maintaining your aspect ratios and image quality.
Note about rounded corners (border radius): In order to unite your graphic with the website design, I may round the corners of your image (using CSS border radius). I ask that you leave the rounding work to me, and simply provide your image with squared corners.
Featured Images for Sponsored Posts and Free Stuff Fridays
Whether you are submitting a featured image for a sponsored post or a Free Stuff Fridays post, the image dimensions will be the same.
Image dimensions: 1920 by 1080 pixels (essential artwork in a centered container 1040 by 1040 pixels)
Important note about auto-cropping and essential artwork area: Your Sponsored Post or Free Stuff Friday featured image will appear in various locations (home page, article banner, social media, email newsletter) and on different devices (phones, tablets, and computers). I will not skew your image, but may use CSS to crop it slightly to fit more naturally in the design. Therefore, please keep any essential artwork within the essential artwork container. See the below image as an example:
![Showing essential vs. non-essential artwork areas](
The image’s total dimensions are 1920 by 1080 pixels. However, depending on the user’s device and where they see your image, the non-essential artwork area may be cropped. Therefore, all text and important design elements vital to your messaging should be kept within the essential artwork area (1040 by 1040 pixels centered in the image).
Note about rounded corners (border radius): In order to unite your image with our website design, I may round the corners of your image (using CSS border radius). I ask that you leave the rounding work to me, and simply provide your image with squared corners.