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Marry Well: A Better Path to Marriage

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In survey after survey, singles rank marriage as one of their most important life goals. So why, according to Dr. Leon Kass, do they marry “later, less frequently, more hesitantly and by and large, less successfully?” Because they no longer have a clear path to marriage.

“For the great majority, the way to the altar is uncharted territory,” says Dr. Kass. “It’s every couple on its own bottom, without a compass, often without a goal. Those who reach the altar seem to have stumbled upon it by accident.”

It’s why we created — to lay out a helpful and intentional path to marriage.

We designed Marry Well as a “next generation” relationship service that will appeal to Christians who would like online support but have been reluctant to try Internet dating in the past. It’s very different from conventional, one-size-fits-all sites that offer options of friendship, recreational dating or even pen pals. Marry Well caters to marriage-minded Christians by focusing on a clear goal, recommending key steps and providing encouragement and support along the way.

The process is designed to optimize meeting potential mates in an environment that is structured, secure and community-based. Some unique features of Marry Well include :

  • Motivated community of members who share the goal of marriage
  • Guided steps for the dating process after matches have been made
  • Opportunity to provide references and invite trusted friends, mentors, pastors and parents to be part of the process
  • Emphasis on men taking leadership in the relationship
  • Unprecedented “Member ’til Marriage” subscription option

In the midst of today’s chaotic dating and relationship scene, most people still hope to find their way to a strong marriage with someone who shares their faith. We take that desire seriously and focus everything we do on helping singles become intentional about pursuing a God-honoring marriage.

Even though 1 out of every 8 new marriages today began online, there’s still a stigma for many Christians about Internet relationship services. Because of the Biblical coaching, mentoring and Christian compatibility emphasis of Marry Well, it’s a service that is attracting those who have been reluctant to use or recommend Internet services in the past.

There are still plenty of opportunities for people to form good marriages without the Internet. But increasingly, the Internet is proving to be a key element in providing connections, community support and coaching for people hoping to marry well.

It could just prove to be the means God uses in your life on your path to marriage.

Marry Well

Note: This is a sponsored post. Learn about sponsored posts.

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