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Explore 2 Samuel

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/18)

    Logos – A ReviewKeith Mathison offers a review of Logos. “One of the premier Bible study software tools available today is Logos. Logos is perhaps best known for its digital library resources, but it has also made great strides in its original language research capabilities. In fact, at the present time, it has one original…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/5)

    Alcorn’s Rescue StoryRandy Alcorn shares a story (complete with video) that happened exactly twenty years ago. “Well into the flight we were cruising over a beautiful waterfall at three thousand feet, when suddenly the engine lost power. Smoke billowed, oil splashed on the windshield. Seeing that there was no oil pressure, Barry had to shut…