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A La Carte (8/18)

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Logos – A Review
Keith Mathison offers a review of Logos. “One of the premier Bible study software tools available today is Logos. Logos is perhaps best known for its digital library resources, but it has also made great strides in its original language research capabilities. In fact, at the present time, it has one original language capability that no other Bible study software program has. I will get to this feature below.”

Ten Digits
CNet says that just ten digits will change privacy as we know it. “The population of the world stands at about 7 billion. So it takes only 10 digits to label each human being on the planet uniquely. This simple arithmetic observation offers powerful insight into the limits of privacy. It dictates something we might call the 10-Digit Rule: just 10 digits or so of distinctive personal information are enough to identify you uniquely. They’re enough to strip away your anonymity on the Internet or call out your name as you walk down the street.”

Christian Apologetics Directory
Apologetics 315 has a roundup of web sites dealing with apologetics.

Finally Alive for Logos
Logos is giving away (for free!) John Piper’s Finally Alive to Logos/Libronix users.

Deal of the Day: Human Cloning
Evangelical Press is offering Eryl Davies’ book Human Cloning for the rather reasonable price of $0.01.

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