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  • The App of God

    The Bible is not a book. I know we talk about the Bible as if it is a book. I know we praise God for giving us his book. I know we tend to buy our Bibles from book stores. But it’s not a book. Not really. We’ve confused the nature of the thing with…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/14)

    What Luke Actually Wrote – An answer to Bart Ehrman’s most recent challenge to biblical accuracy: “The gist of the problem is that Luke claims that the first tax when Quirinius was governor of Syria was at the time of Jesus’ birth – around 4-2 BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, however, records that the first…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    Reviews I Didn’t Write

    I love writing book reviews and I love reading them. Since I cannot possibly read and review all of the interesting books out there, I’ve decided to put together some occasional round-ups of reviews written by other writers. Here are a few notable links I’ve collected over the past few weeks. Die Young by Hayley…

  • Matthew 18 in a Shrinking World

    I suppose it will not surprise you to learn that I maintain a list of future topics I hope to write about on this blog. Near the top of that list is one I titled simply, “Matthew 18 and the Internet.” That is an issue near and dear to me. Let me explain. Through my…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Misquoting Jesus

    Bart Ehrman is a highly-regarded New Testament scholar and chairs the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has both an M.Div. and Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary where he studied under Bruce Metzger. Much of Ehrman’s career has been dedicated to proving a rather unorthodox thesis: that…