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Explore depravity

  • Reading Classics Together

    The Heart of the Unbeliever’s Unbelief

    If you pause to think about it, you may just come to agree with me: Nobody really has a problem with Jesus’ atoning death. Not at heart. Nobody really has a problem with Jesus’ resurrection. Not at the foundation. They don’t have a problem with his miracles or coming return. They actually have a problem…

  • Real Guilt and Sinfulness

    As anyone knows who has studied the life of Jonathan Edwards, he dedicated a large portion of his ministry to thinking, writing and teaching about the freedom of the will. And, of course, he eventually published a classic work dealing with the subject. In writing the book he thought back to the days when revival…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    All Men Are Equal Down at the Cross

    Yesterday I wrote about sin, asking if sin is primarily something we do or something we are. Some questions arose in light of that article and I wanted to carry on a bit of discussion by looking further at the doctrine of human depravity. I have shared most of this in the past but felt…

  • Personal Updates

    I have found it exceptionally difficult to write this week. Actually, I’ve found it difficult to work as well. I’m not sure what’s going on, really. So today I’m going to cop out and just share a few personal tidbits and try to come up with something more creative and more exciting for tomorrow. Part…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/20)

    Friday October 20, 2006 Conference: Jacob Hantla will be liveblogging the God is the Gospel Desiring God Regional Conference this weekend. John Piper will be speaking. Check in for updates. Reformation: The Synod of Dordt poster from Reformation Art is now ready and looking good. “It is an impressive 24″ x 36″, printed on 100…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Radical Reformission (Part 2)

    This is the second part in a series examining The Radical Reformission by Mark Driscoll. The first article, which you can read here, served as an introduction to the book. In the introduction to the book, Driscoll introduced himself in a brief biography and then provided three formulas that explain how different churches react to…

  • Procrastination, The Passion and September 11

    I had planned on writing something about procrastination but decided I’d do it later. I’m funny. Anyways, I was thinking today about some similarities between The Passion of the Christ and September 11. That’s a strange duo, I can’t deny, but hear me out. After the Western world was shaken by the events of September…

  • Riding the Wave?

    A few months ago I commented on the articles written about The Passion of the Christ by Brian McLaren and Rick Warren. McLaren took issue with Warren’s assertion that this movie represented the best opportunity for evangelism in the past 2000 years. Warren wrote a respose which boasted about commented about the enormous efforts his…