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  • Articles Collection cover image

    Celebrating Forty Years

    Today my parents and brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and nieces and nephews are gathering in a little house in Chattanooga. Forty years ago today, the third of June of 1972, was a double celebration for my parents: my father marked his twenty-third birthday and he married my mother. Both had been born and raised…

  • Seems So Long Ago Nancy

    Seems So Long Ago, Nancy

    In 1969 Leonard Cohen released a record entitled Songs From A Room. The fifth track on that album is “Seems So Long Ago, Nancy.” The song has become one of Cohen’s more popular ones; it has found its way onto one of his live albums and has been covered by several other artists. It is…

  • How I Got Here (Part 3)

    I’ve now written two articles about how I got here (part one and part two). I sat down to write about the background to this site–the events that led to its beginning–and got a little distracted along the way. Today I’ll actually get to the heart of the story. I ended the last article in…

  • How I Got Here (Part 2)

    Yesterday I began writing about How I Got Here in an article that somehow began to turn into a loose autobiography. I got as far as walking into my first day at a new high school and being confronted by a cute girl whose first words to me were “If you ever tell anyone, I’ll…

  • How I Got Here

    Last night my wife and I were reminiscing about this web site, about my growing career as a writer (at least I hope it’s growing) and about the church contexts that produced me, that produced this blog. As we spoke I realized that I’ve never really discussed the genesis of this site and, by extension,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/6)

    The Future of Evangelicalism – Patheos has invited a long list of people to submit an article about the future of evangelicalism. Some of them are really quite good. Be sure to check out the one by Justin Taylor, Collin Hansen and Kevin DeYoung. A Shout Out to Moms – Jon Seger: “Any time someone…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/2)

    ESV Bible + – The ESV Bible + app for iPhones and iPad is now available. In addition to the ESV, it contains the ESV Study Bible and the ESV audio. The God That Failed – Carl Trueman writes just a few words about Anne Rice’s recent statement that she can no longer call herself…

  • Ordination

    Today at my church home of Grace Fellowship Church I was ordained as an elder/pastor (we make no distinction real between the two). I share this with you because, well, because I’ve shared so much of my life with you and this is quite a significant event. Our pastor preached from Titus 2:15: “Declare these…

  • The Bridegroom’s Face

    My memory isn’t what it used to be. Or maybe I’m kidding myself and my memory has always been awful. Out of necessity I allow Aileen to be my memory and she’s always saying things like, “Do you remember when we had to rush Abby to the hospital for that operation and I ended up…

  • Weakness

    I woke up this morning feeling just a bit discouraged. I guess there’s a fair bit of uncertainty in certain parts of life right now, the kind of uncertainty that tends to be on my mind late at night or early in the morning (or, worst of all, smack dab between the two). I’m facing…

  • Updates of Various Kinds

    This morning I want to provide a few updates on life, books and web sites. First off, I owe you an update on The Next Story, the book I’m writing. To this point, progress has been slow–discouragingly slow, really. Yet I’ve got hope that things will pick up soon. I have been focusing on gathering…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    The Next Story: Life Changes

    Yesterday I wrote about my desire to be a doer when it comes to the convergence of technology and theology, media and Christian living. I do not want to write a book full of prescriptions that I choose to ignore. And so, as I’ve dedicated increasing amounts of time to research, I’ve begun to examine…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Next Story: Being a Doer

    I graduated from college in 1997 (Or so. To be honest, I don’t even remember exactly what year it was and didn’t bother attending the graduation ceremony or picking up my diploma which undoubtedly recorded the date). My history degree did not open up the world of possibilities I had obviously thought it might when…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    iPad: The Greatest Disappointment in Human History

    Yesterday I sat and watched liveblog coverage of the long-awaited announcement from Apple. To no one’s great surprise, they unveiled their newest device, the iPad. While everyone knew this tablet device was coming, everyone had wondered exactly what it would be. Apple has high standards when it comes to devices like this one and I,…

  • Hello from Savannah

    Yesterday I was in Orlando, today I’m in Savannah. Throughout this year I will be consulting with Ligonier Ministries, working with them on developing content for their web sites and other digital platforms. We had planned this two-day series of meetings and they needed to include two groups of people. The halfway point between these…

  • Hello From Orlando

    Let me give you a brief update as to what I’ve been up to the past couple of days. On Sunday night I hopped aboard a plane and jetted down to Orlando, Florida for some meetings with the good folks at Ligonier Ministries. Flying from Toronto to Orlando is, obviously, an international flight and, hence,…

  • A New Year Dawns

    I am feeling unusually pensive this morning. Sometimes a new year dawns with barely a whisper. Sometimes it arrives with a shout. This year I sit here on January 1 with more than a little apprehension, feeling like the new year is screaming at me. There is little doubt that this is going to be…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Good, Evil and the Ring of Power

    If you’ve read this blog for a while, I guess you know that I’m a fan of The Lord of the Rings. I’m not one of those Tolkien fanboys who is going to react with offense when you get a fact wrong. Rather, I’m a fan of a good story and it’s beyond dispute, I…

  • The Necessity of Long Division

    Do you remember learning to do long division back when you were in grade school? It was probably fourth or fifth grade when we learned to do it. It was a long and laborious process and one that, even in my day, seemed irrelevant. After all, we all had calculators and we knew that they…

  • A Meme of Sorts

    A little while ago I participated in one of those silly memes that made its way around the Net, filling out a list of really boring things about myself. My mom enjoyed it but figured she could do better. Today she and Aileen got a couple of my sisters together (since we’re all together for…