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Explore repentance

  • Repentance Tears

    A Repentance Not To Be Repented Of

    Do you weep over your sin? There must be some things in life that bring you to tears, but is your sin one of them? We would all do well to consider these powerful words from Thomas Watson’s The Godly Man’s Picture for he warns “how far are they from being godly who scarce ever…

  • Four Key Principles of Repentance

    In our family devotions we have been sharpening some big beliefs, learning some big truths. We have been doing this with help from David Helm as he has led us through the Westminster Confession of Faith. This was a confession that played an important role in my younger years, but one I had neglected until…

  • Do You Loathe and Hate Sin?

    One sure sign of salvation, and one sure sign of progression in sanctification, is a hatred of sin. This is not only a hatred of sin’s consequences, but a hatred of sin as it is–rebellion against a just and holy God. Here is Richard Sibbes on a true hatred of sin. He that hates sin…

  • Forgive Our Dry Eyes

    My favorite book on the cross is Frederick Leahy’s The Cross He Bore, a series of powerful meditations on the death of Jesus Christ. Almost any section of the book would make for useful meditation on Good Friday, but this one stood out and merits being shared. Gethsemane means “the oil press.” David could say,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/6)

    The Royal Fetus – Denny Burk asks an insightful question: With all this coverage, I just have one question. Why is it that I have yet to hear or read anyone refer to her unborn child as the “royal fetus”? Oh, I’m sure someone has used the term “fetus,” but it seems to me that…

  • The Heart of Forgiveness

    I was thinking today about being a people pleaser–a tendency all of us having to varying degrees. Lou Priolo has written a book on the subject and one that made quite an impression on me when I read it several years ago. In one of the chapters, Priolo looks at clothing ourselves in humility and…

  • Continual Repentance

    Yeah, I know that I posted a prayer yesterday. But this is another great one I came across (one drawn from The Valley of Vision but which I stumbled across while reading some other web sites). It is titled “Continual Repentance.” I think these lines are particularly good: “I need to repent of my repentance;…

  • The Deciding Point

    Yesterday I received an email from a reader of this site and today I’d like to answer it (with the permission of the person who sent it). Here is what he wrote: Thank you so much for your booklet, “Sexual Detox.” I have read it over and over, and am still very much challenged by…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/8)

    An Eschatology WebConferenceThe Midwest Center for Theological Studies will be conducting a webconference with Drs. Waldron, Riddlebarger, Gaffin & Poythress to discuss biblical eschatology. The webconference is scheduled for 10:00AM to 12:00PM (CT) this Saturday, Jan. 10, 2009. Meet Thomas ChalmersThis blogger is giving away 5 copies of John Mackay’s Thomas Chalmers: A Short Appreciation…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Driscoll, Piper, & Mahaney

    Last Sunday, at Mars Hill Church, Mark Driscoll preached a sermon on the Regulative Principle. For a few minutes, just at the end of the sermon, he discussed some “behind-the-scenes” time he has spent with both C.J. Mahaney and John Piper. In this brief audio excerpt, posted below, he explains to his congregation some of…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Is Forgiveness Conditional or Unconditional?

    Some time ago I promised an article on the subject of conditional versus unconditional forgiveness. I’ve had many false starts and have been largely unsatisfied with anything I’ve written on the subject. So I decided to simplify and to provide only an outline of my thoughts on the subject. I am, perhaps, a little less…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/26)

    Monday March 26, 2007 Music: C.T. has a long and interesting article about the Passion movement. Science: Discover has several articles featuring twenty things you didn’t know about a variety of topics. How about this: “A pair of brown rats can produce as many as 2,000 descendants in a year if left to breed unchecked.”…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Reformed Eye for the Arminian Guy

    A Letter to The Learning Channel To Whom It May Concern, I write today to offer your television network the rights to what I am convinced will soon be the most popular reality show on television. Reality television has offered the discerning viewer much entertainment and so many opportunities to learn. We have learned how…

  • Friday Ramblings

    Ping! That’s the sound of a pin dropping in the blogosphere. My RSS reader has been awfully quiet this week as I suppose the majority of bloggers are taking a break from the usual commitments. Good for them! Most people outside of the retail world are doing little if any work this week, and those…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Repentance and Evangelicalism

    The concept of repentance seems to be in full-fledged retreat in today’s church. Evangelical Christians love to stress decisions, worship, faith and growth, but seem to leave out one rather critical aspect of the Christian faith. We need not look far to find people who confess Christ, yet continue to live in ways that would…

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    It seems that the idea of repentance has fallen out of favor in the church today. We love to stress decisions, worship, faith and growth, but seem to leave out one rather critical aspect of the Christian faith. We need not look far to find people who confess Christ, yet continue to live in ways…