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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/2)

    It was interesting to watch the big Apple event yesterday (where they unveiled new iPods, a new AppleTV and a new iTunes). It seemed to me that if you didn’t know the context of the event, it would be very difficult to distinguish it from religion. Steve Jobs has done an amazing job of building…

  • Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

    Free Stuff Fridays

    Tempus fugit, as they say. Every time a new Friday comes around I’m struck by how short a time it has been since the last Friday. There’s a lesson there, I suppose. With this new Friday comes a new edition of Free Stuff Fridays. This week’s sponsor is Quickverse. You know Quickverse, I’m sure, as…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Manna in the Morning

    Have you ever stopped to ponder what it might have been like for the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness, knowing that each day they would completely exhaust their food supply? Have you thought what it would be like knowing that they would go to bed with no food, but that the next day…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Happy New Year

    Now that I’ve hit thirty years of age it seems more silly than ever to create all kinds of New Year’s resolutions. After all, what would I resolve to do other than what I’ve resolved to do every other year in recent memory: spend more time reading the Bible, more time praying, more time with…

  • 31 Days of Wisdom (2005) – Day 30

    This is part thirty in my 31-day study through the book of Proverbs. The purpose of this study is to learn wisdom and discernment from God’s Word. Yesterday I learned that I need to keep my mouth and emotions under control lest I be proven foolish by my words or actions. I also saw the…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – The God of Yes

    I’m going to be straight with you: I did not finish this book. Generally I will not review a book until I have read it from cover-to-cover, but in this case I just couldn’t do it. I got about two thirds of the way through and had to call it quits. It wasn’t that the…

  • Driven or Led?

    As you know, I spent 40 days blogging my way through The Purpose Driven Life. I finished the book a couple of weeks ago and since then have been forming my thoughts so I can write a review of it. A couple of days ago my thoughts turned to the word “driven” and its implications.…