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Explore trinity

  • The Deep Things of God

    It’s not like we are hurting for books on the Trinity. There was a time when the subject was covered rarely and, often, poorly. Today, though, we have a host of excellent options. This is a good thing, of course. No doctrine is more unique to Christianity or more central to Christian faith and worship.…

  • Pondering the Eternal, Essential Trinity

    Last week I put out the call via Twitter: What is your favorite book on the Trinity? I received a lot of suggestions including many I had already read and thoroughly enjoyed: Delighting in the Trinity by Mike Reeves, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by Bruce Ware, and The Forgotten Trinity by James White. Many…

  • Take a Test on the Trinity

    How well do you know the doctrine of the Trinity? In his little book Delighting in the Trinity, Michael Reeves calls the Trinity “the governing center of all Christian belief” and “the cockpit of all Christian thinking.” In other words, it is not an irrelevant or secondary doctrine, but one that is of primary importance.…

  • Visual Theology – The Trinity

    This Visual Theology series of infographics has now visited the ordo salutis, the attributes of God, the books of the Bible, Philippians 4:8 and the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Today’s graphic looks to one of the most fundamental and most difficult areas of Christianity theology–the Trinity. It seeks to show what we must and must…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Will We See the Trinity in Heaven?

    I recently added a feedback and suggestion component to this site that allows readers like you to suggest topics for me to consider writing about. This has generated a lot of fantastic ideas, many of which are going to take a lot of study to adequately answer. One that I wanted to address right away…

  • The Trinity

    I have the privilege of preaching tonight on the topic of the Trinity. It seemed appropriate, then, that I would combine this topic with the prayers I often post on Sundays–prayers drawn from The Valley of Vision. This prayer is the first in the book and is known simply as “The Trinity.” What a great…