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A La Carte Collection cover image

I apologize for skipping out on A La Carte yesterday. I came down with an ugly variation of the 24-hour flu and pretty much spent all day in bed. I probably could have wrestled together a post, but I was having an odd problem with my eyes–I was seeing double for a few hours. That was a new one to me. It made reading and writing pretty much impossible.

Intercourse with God? – Everyday Mommy writes about Ann Voskamp’s new book–one that has made it to the lists of bestsellers. I thought Christians had gotten over this idea of making love to God. Apparently not.

The Book Surgeon – This is some amazing art. I bet I couldn’t afford to buy any of it. But I want it.

Redeemed Reader – Here’s a new blog I’m excited about. “Our goal at is to shine a gospel light on children’s literature so that Christian parents, educators, and the children they nurture may read in a more redeemed and redeeming way.”

$5 Friday – It’s always worth checking out the $5 Friday deals from Ligonier Ministries.

I Act the Miracle – John Piper: “Acting a miracle is different from working a miracle. If Jesus tells a paralyzed man to get up, and he gets up, Jesus works a miracle. But if I am the paralyzed man and Jesus tells me to get up, and I obey and get up, I act the miracle. If I am dead Lazarus and Jesus commands me to get up, and I obey, Jesus works the miracle, I act the miracle.”

Not Lords, Stewards – Burk Parsons has penned a good article about our celebrity culture. “A “bad steward” is oxymoronic. A bad steward is no steward at all.”

Facebook Obsession – This video gives some context to our current Facebook obsession.

Contextualization is not giving people what they want. It is giving God’s answers (which they probably do not want) to the questions they are asking and in forms they can comprehend. –Tim Keller

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